key moments


The following entries represent KEY MOMENTS over the last few years that act as a reminder that my reality is being manipulated by a hidden metaphysical faction and/or artificial intelligence.

All entries were input at once during a two month period (April/May 2018) when I went through years of my Evernotes and chose some of the most prolific examples of what is happening to me. The amount of proof is immense.

I created this site with hopes that the people I know, many of whom have told me I need to take medication, will realize the importance/truth of what I'm presenting.


UPDATE 6/22/2019: I’ve added some New Key Moments from the last year for those who’ve read my previous entries. My life continues to be an obvious manipulation. I do not suggest you read these new entries before perusing the entries below, which provide proof of what I go through regularly.

10/11/2018: be omega

My YouTube video including the following example is here.

How can I possibly trust anyone here? How can I possibly just accept this reality when the following kind of proof happens daily? It’s impossible. I have no idea when I’ll be released from whatever this place is or when I’ll be given the information necessary to understand why I’m here.

Until then, I’m stuck in what I consider a prison and I will do absolutely NOTHING inspired or motivated and will be as boring as possible, in case I’m being watched for entertainment purposes. I will communicate with no one. I will not participate in any way other than eating, drinking, sleeping…and continuing my research.

Tonight I ordered food delivery from Uber Eats. Just minutes later, while the restaurant was preparing my food, I decided to respond to a post in a conspiracy forum I frequent. I rarely participate in this reality anymore, but I was drinking and decided to just play along and to communicate in some way. The thread was about the constant back and forth in this political duality we live in.

Here is my Chrome browser history when I placed my Playa Provisions food order at 8:21pm. The order was going to take about an hour to be delivered to me:

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Here is my post on the forum, at 8:35pm, 14 minutes later (the middle post), where I mention Rule #11 from my current personal rules. Yes, I actually have a list of my own rules:

I don’t take the role of Alpha or Beta in this reality, I choose to be Omega as much as possible to distance myself from the common, dualistic idiots battling each other over political nonsense. It’s a key to me remaining sane here.

Anyway, minutes later, I get a notification that my food is on its way. Look at the fucking delivery person’s name…

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Give me a break. But here’s the key to this. If my reality just did mystical shit like this all the time and I was having positive results from my actions (and wasn’t in constant physical pain and mental anguish) I might be able to accept it. Maybe I would have fun with it or participate more. BUT NO, the majority of my life is comprised of constant aggravation and struggle. There is what appears to be entities or AI messing with me and manipulating my reality in order to extract energy or for some other purpose. This food order I placed would never even make it to me.

I am at a hotel and the delivery person is supposed to deliver the food directly to me but this person texted me that she had a knee problem and required I go down to retrieve the food myself (something she is not allowed to do according to UberEats; she should not be working with an injury). I would never have gone down anyway as the elevator full of people going to the roof deck bar at my hotel in the evenings is kryptonite to me.

My phone was off and I only got the text an hour later when I decided to turn it on. I purposely leave my phone off because I’m constantly being fucked with and if food doesn’t arrive, I just order from somewhere else. I do track the orders I place on my computer even when I keep my phone off and the driver appeared to be at my hotel but no one ever knocked on my door. I just waited and waited until the app said it was delivered, even though it never was.

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So, what happened here? I mean, it’s obvious that I got someone with a name that I’ve never seen anyone have before (Omega) because I just posted “BE OMEGA” while the food was being prepared. But why did food that I really wanted never even make it to me? Was it because the universe/AI was trying to show me that if everyone was “omega” that no one would give a fuck and I would never be able to get things I desire? Or am I just being trolled?

Whatever is happening here, I’m being purposely kept in the dark about what it REALLY means. It’s a form of mental torture and waking up here each day can’t possibly be my own choice.

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1/4/2017: that's bananas

Yesterday, I ordered food from Safeway's online grocery delivery service to be delivered to me today. This tweet shows up on my feed a few hours before I'm about to receive the groceries:

Now, it JUST HAPPENS that I bought 2....EXACTLY 2....bananas with the rest of my food.

Who orders less than a “hand/bunch” (5-6) of bananas? Here is a receipt highlighting the bananas and the date my ordered was to be delivered, which is the same as the tweet above:

Obviously, the tweet that showed up is eluding to the fact that a grocery person/shopper had to tear my 2 bananas off a larger bunch for my delivery order. I mean, the tweet even came in at a time when someone was probably actually doing it, 6:47am, just a couple hours before my delivery time of 10am.

I know you may be saying to yourself, "Well, that's just an interesting coincidence and can't possible be related to you...and even though you only follow 10 people on Twitter (out of over 300 million possible accounts), it's just not possible that it was referencing YOU buying two bananas...because that would be insane".

I'd say you were right if this kind of thing didn't happen to me virtually every day, sometimes many times a day. Feel free to continue reading the hundreds of entries, with proof, that I've provided on the rest of the site.

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1/24/2018: double blue pointers

I’ve been led to believe by consistent messages around me that the days of the week correspond with the 7 chakras and that I’m supposed to do things that resonate with the corresponding chakra for each day. It’s not something I’ve chosen to participate in or to buy into, but I continue to get proof that this system is in place and is supposed to be followed.

[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]

Today is Wednesday, which means it’s "throat chakra day" and represented by the color blue, the number 5, communication, creativity, hands, etc. Be “cool”, talk to people, write something (pen/pencil), sing, collect the color blue with my eyes, use my hands to communicate (pointing, for instance).

So, first thing this morning, this tweet shows up on my Twitter feed:

Two people standing together, wearing blue and seemingly pointing directly at me. Kinda weird, but I'd be crazy to read into that as something meaningful, right?

Well, a little later, the SAME DAY, this tweet showed up on my feed (I only follow between 5-20 accounts on Twitter at any given time, btw):

Two people...standing together...pointing directly at me AGAIN and one is wearing a blue shirt and the other is surrounded by blue. The AI that manipulates my reality is sure making it obvious today is throat chakra day. Welcome to my absurd reality.

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2/14/2013: eagle teeth

I went to the dentist today to get 3 crowns repaired because I have been unable to eat or chew food properly. I wouldn't go to a dentist unless it was a major emergency for me. It's my first major dental work in 6 years.

Email receipt from the visit:

Right after I get home, I read an email from my mother which includes some random video she thinks I should watch:

So, this video my mother sends me...out of the a video about an eagle who has its beak repaired and is now able to eat again.

This was sent to me by my "mother" on the day I just happened to get my teeth repaired so I can eat properly again; something she supposedly has no idea is happening since I've never told anyone I have any current teeth issues.

I put the word “mother” in quotes because I have no idea who the people in my life really are anymore. Just look again at her email above. She sounds like some kind of AI who’s been programmed to send me the email (even though she signed it with just the letter S, which is her first initial).

So, I notice these kinds of things which happen on a regular basis, seemingly on purpose, and when I tell people about them…no one remotely cares. These kinds of things aren't happening to them, so they don't actually matter. “You need medication” or “you have a brain chemistry problem” or “maybe you’re just experiencing Baader-Meinhof” (not even remotely like what I’m going through) are the kinds of statements I have to deal with.

(NOTE, I’m also an Eagle based on when I was born, according the Mayan Calendar, not that I'm sure that means anything)

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6/9/2018: pepper spray/zero vision

My YouTube video including the following example is here.

As my life falls apart more and more each day, I have to remind myself that even though it all seems very real and feels VERY real, my entire existence is a set up.

My every thought, my every action is being monitored by some hidden entity who continues to judge, narrate, and manipulate my reality, mostly via technology.

While there may be dire consequences for every bad decision I make, I have to have faith that I can escape this hell or that I will be removed from it at some point in the very near future.

On June 9th, while visiting the East Coast, I was arrested for not leaving my hotel room after an extremely minor incident at my hotel (I assure you it was so minor that if I wanted to act like this reality mattered and chose to actually participate again, I could sue the hotel and easily win a case for serious damages).

When the police showed up and broke into my room (after I had gone to sleep) I refused to get out of my bed and leave the hotel. I had just drifted off, was completely wasted, and I hadn’t done anything remotely worth being evicted for.

When I refused to leave (and after not exactly being verbally respectful, which is difficult when you believe your reality is being manipulated on purpose to test/fuck with you), the 3 officers jumped me while I was still in bed.

I began flailing around to stop the officers from grabbing hold of me but I didn’t physically harm anyone. At that point they pepper sprayed me and I was completely blinded and could not open my eyes.


I was then "escorted" half naked, with no shoes on, to the police car. This is the moment when "it" happened. The moment when the reminder comes that it's all a sham and I'm being observed by hidden forces.

When the officer got in the driver's seat and turned his car on, the radio station (something like 1010 WINS or WFAN sports radio) immediately had some kind of ad/announcement that spoke exactly one sentence before the officer turned it down.

I'll get to the sentence in a moment, but here’s the key: since I had just gone to bed before they busted into my room, I had my iPhone audio recorder next to my bed to record my sleep talking. It’s something I’ve documented on this site extensively. When they removed me and grabbed my actual phone, they also grabbed the additional phone next to my bed and it was recording the entire time.

So, I actually have an audio recording of what was played the moment the officer turned his car on, right after I was blinded with pepper spray and was left with zero vision:

Please take a moment to really take in what happened here. Literally, a couple minutes after I was completely blinded (and would remain that way for over an hour), the first thing broadcast from any surrounding technology was: "the New York Department of Transportation and the VISION ZERO initiative”.

It's the quintessential coded, double meaning commentary that I've illustrated throughout the rest of my site and on the videos I've made that depict what the intelligence coming through the technology is secretly doing, in real time.

The radio could have said anything - could have referenced any subject/words in that one sentence. It could have mentioned sports scores or even if it did reference the department of transportation in some way, it could have said something about a charity marathon or ANYTHING other than something with the words "vision zero", which directly related to my situation of having just been blinded by pepper spray.

This is just another absolutely clear, absolutely obvious example of what I am illustrating on this site and more proof that I am residing in a "Truman like" reality that is being observed and commented on by technology, as it's happening.

If you don't understand why I'm saying this wasn't a coincidence, please read more from Key Moments, Key Moments Jr, Insane Internet Syncs, etc, so you will understand I go through this on an extremely regular basis, which makes it impossible to believe it's not on purpose.

Here is a recording of them doing the actual pepper spraying, just a couple minutes before the cop car audio I posted above:

On one hand it's all very real. Being blinded by pepper spray and having my knee demolished (I am unable to straighten or walk fully on my left leg now) are both very real symptoms of a legitimate existence. Facing prospective jail time because I physically resisted arrest and was charged with assaulting officers with my flailing around as they jumped into my bed is a very real predicament.

Regardless of any of that, it's still all a set up. Even if the police didn't realize what was happening, I was still being observed and judged by hidden entities and my reality was still being manipulated. The officers acted as actors or robots or whatever the fuck they are and they did what they had to do. It’s a disturbing situation, but I keep waking up here…every…fucking…day and am seemingly in some kind of prison (prism), forced schooling, or some kind of evil theater/entertainment for nefarious assholes.

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2/19/2018: which president is he?

This following tweet shows up from the Onion and I decide to try to name the presidents on the graphic:

The three on the right were obvious to me, but I couldn't remember the first one. Memorizing the US presidents has never been important to me. With each guess I made out loud, I would type that president’s name into Google and it would produce a picture of a different president, not the guy on the left in the photo above.

So, as I’m in the middle of still trying to figure out who he is, just by guessing, a Chrome notification from youtube channel suddenly pops up in my browser showing that I just got a new subscriber. Look at what the subscriber’s username is:

Clearly that's a president reference. It’s as if within the moment of me simply trying to guess who he was, someone/something suddenly shows up stating “It’s Grant” (as in President Ulysses S. Grant). If this isn’t proof that my entire reality is being observed and trolled by AI or some kind of magic, ghost, quantum intelligence, I’m not sure what is.

But the thing is, it's NOT President Grant, It’s President Roosevelt (the OTHER President Roosevelt), but I didn’t know this until I looked at all the pics of the various presidents to see who he actually was.

And, no, I haven’t been hacked by some motivated teenager who is observing my web surfing and who quickly created a youtube user named "its grant" to fuck with me. Not that it could have happened that quickly anyway. The user clearly is established, with various playlists he's created, even though no one is following him:

It's simply another key moment, reminding me that my reality is manipulated based on my thoughts and actions, seemingly by a hidden force or faction who operate at speeds much greater than humans.

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5/5/2017: mg 5 = mg r

There is a member on a Mets forum I frequent, with the username MG5 (Met Girl 5). MG5 is known as a huge David Wright fan, a current Met who has been injured for years. She never responds to my posts because generally I am being weird...on purpose, as a joke, to try to ground myself in this reality.

Anyway, this evening I made a couple posts with her in mind, including one mentioning that I could foresee an infield next year that included David Wright, something I only posted because I was flirting with her/messing around. David Wright will probably never play again.

So, tonight she finally responded to one of my comments.

This is a comment from earlier in the thread where I was purposely kissing her ass in response to some other topic (yes, my username was "Shitface"):

This is her response to my other comment, about David Wright (her favorite player), which came later in the thread. Even though the word I should have used in the response was “infield”, I purposely used “infidel” because I do shit like that on purpose. It didn’t matter, she read it as “infield” and liked my sentiment:

So, towards the end of the exchange above, I decided to order my dinner delivery from Postmates. What was delivery person's name?



And what kind of name is MG R, anyway? Most of my deliveries from food delivery services have been by typical names like Carol, Ahmed, Julio, or Daryl.

Clearly this is some representation of MG 5 and was a result of the attention I gave her/it this evening right before ordering the food. It's just too similar to NOT be on purpose. I mean, it's even a cute girl, not some fat black dude or some old white guy.

This key moment is just another perfect example of how my world works.

(Adding to this note, years later because I’ve had the revelation about the connection between the 5 and the letter R that replaced it in her name. Based on my Alphabet Wheels theory, I now believe that the E (5th letter on the left side of the alphabet) and the R (5th letter on the right side of the alphabet) go together in the same alphabet quad (E/I/R/V) and each of these letters represents 5/blue/throat chakra, etc.

So, E = 5, R = 5, MG R = MG 5.)

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7/17/2017: down under turquoise earrings

Same day, two different posts on my Twitter feed, BOTH featuring Australian women, for completely different reasons (big time).

BOTH blonde. BOTH smiling. BOTH wearing turquoise earrings. BOTH with greenery behind them. Nope, nothing to see here:

(REMINDER: I only follow between 5-20 (usually around 10) twitter accounts at any given time, out of over 300 million active users. The statistical probability of these kinds of syncs happening randomly, and on a regular basis like they do, is virtually zero. They are happening on purpose.)

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3/26/2015: pommes frites lightning bolt

I haven't been back to NYC for a couple years and I am pondering flying there in a few days. I decide to look at the "Pommes Frites" menu on Caviar (restaurant delivery site) because I was thinking about fries and aioli and Pommes is my favorite fry place in the country and they have a big selection of aioli dipping sauces.

The next day, the building Pommes Frites is located in...EXPLODES:


At the time, I didn’t realize I would be creating this site eventually and wanting to provide as much concrete proof about what I'm illustrating as possible. So, I did not screenshot my browser history to show me surfing Pommes Frites on Caviar on the 25th. But, here is my original Evernote file from 2015 to show the time stamp of when I created the entry about it happening, which was the day of the explosion:

I specifically went to Pono (Santa Monica) because I was trying to find local places to get decent fries with aioli and was looking at Pommes Frites (NYC) the day before. The news of the Pommes fire/explosion happened at 4pm, literally two hours after I ate my lunch at Pono.

Here is a screenshot (added while proofreading this entry in 2023) showing Pono is ranked #1 for aioli in Santa Monica by at least one source:

Here is my CC statement showing the lunch I ate at Pono, which again, happened right before Pommes blew up:

And just for the hell of it, here is the plane ticket I bought the day I was surfing Pommes on Caviar (3/25) (you can see it directly above the Pono charge in my statement above). I was trying to decide that day whether or not to go straight to NYC from Santa Monica or to visit Austin Texas for the first time, in between. I chose to go to Austin and bought a ticket that day:

(I know this entry would be even more concrete had I bought a ticket directly to NYC, but what can I say? I chose Austin first.'s the ticket I bought to go to NYC, while I was in Austin):


So, I think about Pommes Frites for the first time in years and it's as if a lightning bolt was created that then struck and burned down the place.

OR maybe it was me deciding to go enjoy fries with aioli from a different restaurant the next day. Could that have caused emotional harm to the entity know as Pommes Frites, hence it blew itself up?

OR maybe someone/something was trying to give me a coded message that they clearly just didn’t want me to go back to NYC and Pommes Frites to eat those delicious aiolis.

Any way you slice it, just another example of my terrible, manipulated reality, where I just sit here day by day trying to figure out what just happened.

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8/5/2010: dad's amazing catch

Yesterday I was watching the Mets game on TV and witnessed an outfielder putting one of his feet on the outfield wall to help him jump higher to try to catch a ball that ended up being a home run. As it happened, I thought to myself "it would be great if an outfielder would just climb the entire wall to catch a ball”.

Here is a blurb about the game, with time stamp. The home run was hit by Chipper Jones:


The VERY NEXT DAY my father randomly sends me an email with a link to a video titled "the most amazing catch we'll see all season":


Here is the home run I witnessed live while watching the Mets game, followed by the amazing catch video that my father sent me, from a game in Japan:

The video depicts a catch virtually IDENTICAL to the one I envisioned.

My response to my father was not exactly positive and was automatically accusatory because I'm very suspicious of this kind of thing happening, over and over, in my reality:

Please forgive my belligerence above and STOP FOR ONE SECOND and really think about what I'm saying here. It's not like I saw some highlight of a baseball game with a player putting a foot on the wall and then had the thought I had. I was watching the ONLY GAME it happened in, LIVE, because the Mets are my team and at that time I watched every game.

So, I have the thought about a player climbing the wall and the very next day my father sends me that other video/catch of someone actually doing it, supposedly out of the blue.

My main issue is that everyone around me just brushes this shit off like it means nothing, which makes it hard for me to trust them. This is why I get very confrontational at times and make it difficult for the people around me to even choose to be around me. I do not believe it's just some generic, harmless synchronicity. I've gone through enough bullshit in this reality to realize that someone/something is monitoring my thoughts and manipulating the world around me, as if I'm some kind of "Truman".

I wouldn't have such an issue with it all if what I go through didn't also involve physical symptoms that are at times crippling and seem to relate to hidden beings using/shadowing my body in order to use me for energy and to experience through me.

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10/31/2015: egg rolls?

The Mets are in the World Series, and for game 4, I happen to have “TV Seats” directly behind home plate.

One of the 3 people I invite to the game is Robardin, a member of a Mets forum that I’ve never seen or met. His actual name is Wallace and he takes really great pics of the games and posts them on the forum...and he seems like a good guy. No one knows who he is or what he looks like because most people on the forum are anonymous.

On the day of the game, I decided to have Ramen for lunch, hours before the game. I didn’t give much thought to why I decided to eat Asian/Japanese/Chinese (Ramen originated in China, FYI) for the first time in weeks:

Later that evening, I meet everyone at the game and am shocked to find out that Wallace is a big Chinese dude. Completely unexpected and something no one really knew, because people on the forum are basically anonymous. Many people thought he was probably named Rob, and was probably American based on his user handle and posting style. No one knew he was Chinese (not that it matters what he is). The name Wallace isn't exactly a prominent Chinese name, either.

Here is a pic of us at the game, 3rd row, right side. Wallace is the big dude with the orange jacket on. I’m on the other end of the 4 of us, in all black, just above the fox logo:

Here’s one where you can see Wallace using his camera. I guess him being the only poster on the forum always posting pics during the game should have been the tip off that he was Chinese (sorry, stereotype haters, but it's kinda funny):

But here’s the key. We have VIP tickets, which means we get to eat free food in the VIP bar/buffet, which normally serves ballpark standards: hot dogs, fries, nachos, chicken fingers, etc. We all go back there and everything seems normal until I realize there are no chicken fingers. NO CHICKEN FINGERS AT A BASEBALL GAME. They've been replaced by….. wait for it….. EGG ROLLS.

This has never happened and I’ve eaten back there many times, not to mention this is the World Series. Where are the fucking chicken fingers?!?!

So, on the day I was going to attend a game with a guest I had no idea was Asian/Chinese, I chose to have Ramen for lunch and later that evening, the chicken fingers I normally eat at the game were replaced with egg rolls; something that everyone I've spoken to agreed has never happened and didn’t make any sense.

I’ve theorized that beings jump in and out of my body to experience through me and this seemed to be the case today. I'm just guessing that Wallace was somehow experiencing through me…OR someone else, who was Asian/Chinese, wanted to attend the game to interact with Wallace, via my body. Even though, eating shitty American egg rolls doesn't seem like something any self respecting Chinese person would want to do. So, maybe the universe/AI was just trolling me.

For some reason Wallace claims he doesn't remember the egg roll incident, but it absolutely happened. Here is an email from one of the other attendees, who claims Wally even ate one in front of him:

Not that I want to be here to begin with, but it sure does get interesting at times. None of this means anything, right? I probably just need to take meds, right?

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12/27/2017: slash/canter's

Slash was always a big supporter of T-Shirt Hell, the company I created, and even though I don't know him personally, he was most likely going to be involved as an advisor in a massive music project I was creating in 2015. Had I not completely resigned myself to the fact that this reality is a lie and that I'm just a pawn who is seemingly being manipulated and used on purpose, I'm positive it would have been a major success.

Anyway, I’ve been reading Slash’s Autobiography over the last week and he mentions early in the book that one of the Canter brothers from L.A.’s famous Canter’s Deli was his best friend growing up:


I'm still reading the book today and suddenly this tweet shows up on my Twitter feed:

So, a tweet about the owner of Canter’s....dying.

Not Langer’s Deli or Greenblatt's Deli or any other famous L.A. "non-deli" restaurants, the SINGLE RESTAURANT with the name of someone I JUST read about, who just happens to be associated with Slash.

I pondered whether or not is was actually the guy I read about or his father or something. I looked up the news and the guy who died was Gary Canter. I didn't remember if that was the person Slash mentioned or not and I just went back to reading the book, which is almost finished.

Literally, the next page I'm reading, Slash is suddenly talking about the Canter guy again...and ONLY THEN, did I realize it wasn't the guy who died. His friend was Marc Canter, not Gary Canter, who is Marc's brother.

(what I'm saying is, I didn’t even have to go back in the book to find his name where I originally saw it a few days earlier (as shown in the graphic at the top of this entry), because he was instantly brought back up when I began reading again) (3rd paragraph):


And you can see here, I finished the book (which was virtually at the end, as I mentioned above) the following morning, 12/28, the day after the tweet:

So, what does it all mean? Why do things like this constantly happen in my reality? Once again, it's not a coincidence, nothing is. No other restaurant people died this week in Los Angeles (or this month or for months after). This guy just happened to die when I read about his brother being Slash's best friend. Why?

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10/4/2011: RIP job/jobs

Steve Jobs was very popular and Apple (A) very successful when I, Aaron (A), focused on my career JOB.

I barely work at doing any kind of "job" anymore because I don’t buy into this reality. My main focus other than trying to decipher clues has been food, as you can probably tell as you read through many of these entries. A couple months ago, "Tim COOK" was made the head of Apple:

I know everything here is coded and on purpose, so I assume it’s absurdly connected to me and how I’m living my life.

Well, it’s a few months later and yesterday (10/4/2011) I officially told my friend Mika I’m going to let her take over running T-Shirt Hell. I wasn’t going to be involved anymore, in any way, even though I still own it. I have no plans to do anything else and will never work a regular job again:

And now, today (10/5/2011), THE VERY NEXT DAY after my job died, Steve Jobs has died:

Okey dokey. I'm sure none of this means a damn thing and isn't related to me at all, not even remotely. Because how the fuck could that be true, right?

(I rarely, if ever, was involved after that point and completely relinquished ownership of T-Shirt Hell in 2017.)

As an additional side note: I did a little research and found out that when I left Boston in 1997 to move to Los Angeles in order to take what would end up being the most stressful job of my life (service writer at Range Rover Encino) after virtually never working at a stressful job for 5 years in Boston, it was at the exact time that Apple brought Steve Jobs back in a major role that helped revitalize Apple.

This just solidifies to me that the way I live my life is connected to these kinds of events. The energy I expended during that job, which was obviously utilized by the universe or whoever is running this show, was enormous at that time. It was mostly in the summer months of 1997 when Range Rover Encino was in shambles and I was thrust into an atmosphere seemingly meant for masochists. I moved to L.A to take the job in July. Jobs showed back up immediately after, in August:

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4/5/2017: celeste and max

I watched the emotional ending of Big Little Lies yesterday. It was the first time I watched the show longer than a just couple minutes. Virtually all of my TV watching now is my deflection research, where I do not allow myself to get into what I’m watching and instead I am trying to establish what's really happening with the intelligence that's utilizing the TV to hypnotize and use humans.

But during this session I decided to watch a bit of the show and allow myself to connect with the content. Here is an explanation I found online of what happened during the episode:

Max is the son of Perry who was married to Celeste (Nicole Kidman) and Perry was abusing Celeste, and he also raped Jane, and impregnated Jane with Ziggy.

I spent time watching the final scene unfold and actually got emotional. The show ended with them all on a beach, a very common metaphor in movies and shows of people starting over/being reborn.

So, it’s the VERY NEXT DAY and I’m expecting a package from Fedex. Normally my packages are delivered directly to my door and I just got a notification that the package was delivered. So I look on the porch outside my door and nothing is there.

I decide to peek further down the back walkway just to see if they left it at the side gate and I notice a bunch of boxes down there and really have no idea if mine is there. So I'm forced to go look.

As I’m looking at the boxes, which are many, they're all for a couple who appear to be new neighbors, since I don't recognize the names (I’ve lived here for 8 months). The name on the boxes is “Celeste and Max Barrett” and the boxes appear to be moving boxes that were shipped to them because they're moving in to the community of 6 townhouses I live in.

So, the day after watching 15 minutes of Big Little Lies, where two of the main characters are named Celeste and Max and are actually mother and son on the show, this insane synchronicity is happening. I ponder all kinds of metaphorical, mystical explanations on what’s going on, because I know this reality is absurd and ON PURPOSE.

Actor Nicholas Crovetti is Max in the show, which means there is ALSO an interesting parallel between the names Nicole (who plays Celeste) and Nicholas (who plays Max) (Nicole, Nicholas, pretty close to one another). Not to mention this kid looks like he could be Nicole Kidman's actual son or some clone of her in male form: 

Now it gets even more interesting/absurd. Here is a screenshot of security camera footage I just watched of this "real" guy named Max bringing their boxes in and he’s a blonde guy with longish hair JUST like the kid who plays Max on the show. You could easily say this guy could be the same kid at an older age:

What the hell is really happening here?

While I’m pondering it all, “I can’t live with or without you” is being sung in my headphones and because everything in my reality is synced, I speculate that somehow these new neighbors actually represent the characters from the show and that Celeste (the mother) still wants Perry (the father), even though he abused her and is now dead, and the only way she can still be with him is if he magically becomes/transforms into Max, (the son), who happens to also be abusive, based on what the show revealed.

Once Perry becomes/goes into Max’s body, Celeste will then act as his mother to help raise him to be a better man. Somehow they’ve come to life in my reality in different forms/a different relationship because magically this entire thing parallels my life or some past life.

(Look, I know some of my existential theories are a little bit insane, but don’t even pay attention to those parts of these entries. The reason these things are happening is unknown to me and I am throwing out very metaphysical possibilities for what is going on.)

I'm not sure that this reflects "the real" Celeste and Max that are in my reality, as they are a married couple (not mother and son). Although, when I did eventually meet them in person, Max definitely seemed gay to me, so maybe the marriage is just a front:

Another weird parallel is that Big Little Lies is about the parents of children who are all in 1st grade. One of my exes had an abortion, with us in agreement, in November of 2008. Our baby would have been born in August of 2009. This means that right when this show was being filmed, our child would have been in 1st grade, like all the kids on the show, including Max.

Here is a video I made just for friends/family which includes a clip at the end with me wearing my go pro camera hat. I believe I was being set up by the universe/AI to interact with my new neighbors, Celeste and Max, who I hadn’t met yet.

The set of 6 buildings I live in is referred to as the Sunset 6. But the key to all of this, and to most of the absurd nonsense that happens in my life, is that building is jokingly referred to as the “666” (sounds like Sunset 6). Because I know everything here happens on purpose and that my reality is being manipulated, clearly it has something to do with my hellish, current existence:

6/5/2017: vr bedrooms

Yesterday, I looked at pics of a decent modern home located in Henderson Nevada, from a link on Flipboard, but it was a bit too “sterile/clean” for me:

The VERY NEXT DAY, a completely different publication, Architectural Digest, who I follow on Twitter (I only follow 11 people currently) tweeted about Faith Hill's and Tim McGraw's home in the Bahamas and I checked out the slideshow of pics:

Do you notice anything interesting about the master bedrooms from these completely different places, located in completely different locations, designed by completely different architects?

I put both photos together to make it easier to see the similarities:

It’s as if they’re both part of some virtual reality program/simulation where you can choose which style you want, but it’s the same basic design/space for the imaginary dwelling you choose. Because this certainly isn't "real" and it's just more proof that this reality is a lie.

The timing of the second image showing up the day after I saw the first one is the key. Once I decided I didn’t like the style of the first dwelling, the AI that manipulates this reality changed the program and presented me with a new version.

(NOTE: Even though the Flipboard screenshot above for the modern Nevada place shows “June 3rd”, I saw it on June 4th. That’s simply because you can scroll through content of many days on Flipboard and I hadn’t seen it until the next day. The day after that was the 5th, when the Architectural digest tweet happened for the Bahamas place, as you can also see above.)

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7/14/2016: borns

BØRNS is some supposedly popular band that I've never heard of until today. The only reason I NOW know of them is because they are headlining tonight's concert series at the Santa Monica Pier.

The only reason I know this is because I just happen to be staying at Shutters on the Beach Hotel, which is DIRECTLY across from Santa Monica Pier. The hotel left a daily events flyer under my door this morning and I saw it mentioned.

Oh yeah, and today just be...the day...I was BORN. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY.

Santa Monica Pier and Shutters on the Beach:

It’s just more, crystal clear proof, that my reality is scripted in some way.

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7/31/2015: no mur a sushi!

A couple years ago, in September of 2013, I met up with my ex Milena and her daughter to have dinner in the Valley, after not seeing each other for months. As we were trying to choose a cuisine, I mentioned sushi and we ended up going to a place that Milena suggested, even though she hadn’t eaten there before. The place was called “Nomura Sushi”:

on-the-second-floor copy.jpg

We sat down and the place just seemed sketchy. There was some other minor issue and I decided it was enough of a sign to leave before ordering.

I only realized as we were leaving that the name of the place was probably some kind of coded, double meaning nonsense. Nomura Sushi = NO MORE SUSHI. The name may have acted as a message from someone/something telling me not to eat anymore sushi.

I never gave my name, email, or any info to Nomura Sushi that night as we simply walked in to eat without a reservation and left almost immediately.

Flash forward to today, nearly two years later. I’ve recently been eating a lot of sushi. 4 times in 7 days, in fact, which is probably the most frequently I’ve had sushi in my entire life.

Here is my CC statement with all the sushi I've been eating recently:

My Twitter account is private and I require anyone who wants to follow me to request that I add them. It’s something that happens maybe once a month and usually is from someone who wants me to give/sell them my username, which is considered a premium handle:


Well, I suddenly just received a request to let someone follow me...and it's from the SAME SUSHI RESTAURANT that we went to in 2013:

Look, this is fucking stupid. They have no information about me and obviously wouldn’t remotely know what username I am on Twitter, since no one knows (until now, because I am revealing it).

Clearly this is another statistically impossible coincidence and is probably just another message to get me to stop eating sushi, which I’ve had 4 times in 7 days. "NO MORE A SUSHI!"

I mean, what are the chances that some unknown place that we almost ate at, out of hundreds of local sushi places (and thousands of sushi places in the country) is suddenly trying to follow my twitter account two years later? It’s absurd and ABSOLUTELY ON PURPOSE because of the hidden message involved. The main question is…WHO is giving me this message and why is eating sushi considered bad for me?

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9/16/2016: kendall sculpture

My Argus table top sculptures arrived today. This is the email showing they were scheduled to arrive (this company did not send an additional email saying when they actually arrived), but I received them today:

I happen to go to twitter just minutes after receiving the package & Kendall Jenner is suddenly being mentioned because she is staying in some 27 million dollar place in NYC. The picture of this place has the EXACT ITEM I bought, showing on the table in the photo:

Kendall has been on my mind recently because I saved a pic of her to my computer a couple days ago for another entry and I would say she is the probably the best Kardashian (personality), which isn’t exactly saying much.

kendall_jenner_green copy.jpg

This is just another perfect example of how my reality is being manipulated to reflect my thoughts and actions and often times involves "shout outs" by the people/celebrities/things I give attention to or even remotely think about.

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8/1/2017: robel/robles

Mets relief pitcher, Hansel Robles, just lost the game for the Mets in the 9th inning and I happened to be watching the “ESPN game cast” while it happened (not video, just the live updating of the box score while it was happening).

I opened the game cast in my browser, but only for the last inning, which happened to be right when he was pitching. I barely ever watch anything regarding the Mets anymore, so this was a rarity for me.

I'm not judgmental of virtually anyone or anything anymore (other than the people around me not acknowledging what I go through as being important) and I didn’t really think/feel much about Robles blowing the game other than the fact that the Mets bullpen seems to be problematic. I didn't give him any negative energy at all.

Most Mets fans are not fans of Hansel, as you can see from this example of a forum post when he was recently came back up to NY to pitch if he was needed:

While watching the game cast, I also happened to place a food delivery order from Cactus, my favorite Seattle Mexican place. What was the name of the delivery person?


In the screenshot below, notice the "start time" (6:42pm) and "game duration" (3h24m) which means the game ended at 10:06pm CO time. 10:06pm is 9:06pm Seattle time (where I am). And look back at the delivery time on my food order shown in the screenshot above. 9:10pm - 9:40pm.

Unfortunately, at the time this happened, I didn't realize I would later be collecting proof for all my notes to be made public and I did not screenshot my chrome browser history showing that I was on the ESPN Game Cast right as I was ordering the food.

BUT you can see from the image above of the the Cactus "delivery window", I did take that screenshot at the moment it happened, because it said Robel on it. I mean, why would I have screenshot that if it it wasn't for the reason I'm saying? Plus, it's not some email confirmation or email screenshot after the food was delivered, it's the actual tracking screen, live, in the browser itself.

Here is a blurb from later that mentions Robles losing the game (just so you can see it was him pitching):

So, why do things like this constantly happen to me? Is it because my brain chemistry is imbalanced? Am I reading into something that isn't actually happening? Do the people reading this right now see a different name on the delivery name graphic? I see Robel, but do you see Steve?

Clearly there is something wrong with me, right? It can't be that the issue is with everyone else who are all in denial about this shit being orchestrated.

Could it be that I'm the only normal person here and everyone else has the chemical imbalance? Feel free to contact me to let me know that I need to take my meds.

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2/28/2017: my pal…pitus

Last night I sent emails to two of the remaining people I periodically communicate with. Part of the communication with each was me including one of my favorite songs written by the bass player in my first band in Boston, back in 1992, Dave Pitus. I haven't seen or spoken to Dave in over 10 years.

Here is the email I sent to John (notice I mention Dave at the end, and also mention John's friend Brian, who wears a baseball cap all the time just like Dave does):


Here’s the email I sent to Milena on the same night with Dave's song also attached:


The VERY NEXT DAY, I see a tweet on my Twitter feed and there's someone walking by a camera, wearing a baseball cap, who absolutely looks like Dave Pitus. I mean, not kind of like him. IT’S HIM. Like a ghost from the past:


Anyone who knew Pitus back in the day will know instantly that it’s him. Some people, including Dave himself, used to say he looked like Charlie Sheen. He's even wearing the usual baseball cap.

I suppose I woke Dave from the dead by sharing his song with two different people last night.

I theorize that Palestine being mentioned in the tweet is metaphoric and has something to do with my “pals” (friends) who are in competition with my family (Israel) for attention. I’m a mutt, but I do have a small % of jewish blood. Also, to be clear, I am currently not in contact with most of my family because they will not accept the information I’m documenting on this site.

So, me communicating mostly with just friends recently, including bringing up an OLD friend with two newer friends, is me giving attention to pals (Palestine).

(Here are two pictures I managed to get Dave to send me, after I was able to get back in contact with him, recently. I think it's fair to say that what I'm saying about him appearing in the tweet above is true (he’s not wearing a baseball cap in the first pic because we were playing a show):

pitus2 copy.jpg

Present day Dave, with a baseball cap!

pitus copy.jpg

Here's Dave's solo song that I emailed my friends. It’s a very rough 4 track recording, but still excellent:

7/31/2016: 351 dream invaders

Ten days ago I did some research on "351 Sunset", a condo in Venice Beach I was considering renting. While I was checking out Gjusta, a popular restaurant that is almost directly across the street from 351, I noticed there was some kind of uproar in the community about them getting a liquor license. I also noticed that actor Zach Galifianakis was part of the opposition. I had no idea he lived in Venice (I’ve lived in Venice off and on a few times over the last 20 years):

I did a quick google search of his name and “Venice” to see if there was any more info on him and the Gjusta thing and one of the results was “Zach Galifianakis’s house”. I clicked the link and it showed some tiny place on San Juan that didn’t seem like much. It was about 12 blocks away from the place I was considering renting. I thought maybe he bought it, then demolished it, then maybe built his own place:

I pondered briefly why he was so opposed to Gjusta getting a liquor license but didn’t really care either way and just moved on and didn’t think of it...or him again.

Flash forward 10 days and I've signed the lease for 351 Sunset.

Here is a screenshot of documentation of a dream I had the night before moving in, on July 31st. You can clearly see Zach Galifianakis popped up in the dream. I know it's a pain in the ass to read the whole thing, but there are some seriously key points that will make sense in "real life" coming up in the rest of this entry:

(note: I do not write these dream journals in proper grammar, spelling, etc…and just quickly notate what I’ve recorded on my audio recorder during the night.)

Anyway, a few days after moving into 351, I meet Mike, an impressive artist who lives directly across the street from me. As we’re shooting the shit, I mention enjoying the lunch I had today from Gjusta and we discussed the neighborhood for a bit. I questioned why people wanted to stop Gjusta from getting a liquor license and I mention how I saw an article about it and that Zach Galifianakis was spearheading the whole thing.

Right after I said that, Mike says “you know he lives right there, right?” and he points directly next door to his place.

I was like “what do you mean?”. Mike continues about how Zach owns the large building directly next to his place, and DIRECTLY across the street from ME.

I was completely surprised. I had no idea he lived anywhere near 351 and just assumed he lived at the location I saw online 10 days ago, many blocks away.

I suddenly recall the dream I had the night before moving in, and realize the implications of it all. Zach made an appearance in my dream because he lives directly across the street from me now.

I immediately tell Mike about the dream and tell him “ah, now I get it…Zach invaded my dreams before I moved in” because I believe shit like that actually happens in my reality. I tell Mike about the person with clay in the dream and he tells me that directly on THE OTHER SIDE OF HIM is a guy who owns a clay shop and who works with clay as his career.

So, not only did Zach make an appearance because he lives across from me, the other guy who also lives across from me (besides Mike and Zach) made an appearance, as well (even though he was female in the dream).

Here is (was) my place. It suddenly made a lot more sense why Zach was spearheading some community meeting about Gjusta getting a liquor license when I found out he lived only 3 dwellings away from them:

Welcome to my "life"?

Obviously this all happened because I was moving into the community and my dream turned it into some kind of roommate situation. Also, the tiny hands thing may somehow be connected to Donald Trump running for president at the time, and becoming president just a few months after I moved in. That time period also happens to correspond with when I began drinking a shit load of hard alcohol (orange colored) on a daily basis for the first time in my life.

I ponder the tiny hands metaphor may also have to do with me moving into what is basically an artist’s community and not creating any art, of late. I couldn’t care less about making music anymore or creating anymore websites, art, etc. Why the fuck would I want to do that, now that I realize this entire reality is being manipulated?

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FEBRUARY 10, 2024: The birth of Truth Orgy. Go to or @truthorgy on X/Twitter