key moments jr.


The following entries represent SLIGHTLY LESS key moments over the last few years that act as a reminder that my reality is being manipulated by a hidden faction and/or some form of AI.


1/11/2013: RIP aaron schwarz

This morning, I woke up and saw my own name, Aaron Schwarz, trending on Twitter and I began to read about how I had just died:

Obviously I was alive. Well, I mean, that's debatable. Aaron Swartz, one of the founders of Reddit, who I had no idea even existed before this happenstance, was suddenly all over the internet after having passed. But many people were spelling his last name the wrong way.

I guess it must mean something related to me…because everything here means something and is on purpose, not coincidental.

Aaron Schwarz is my birth name, even though Schwarz is not my father’s last name, it’s the last name of my German half brother, Donald. My mother simply never changed her last name after she divorced HIS father. My father and my mother were never married.

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2/3/2018: j c

I am surfing Safeway's grocery delivery web site and contemplating adding the Jameson Caskmates whiskey I bought last time to my current order. Suddenly this notification of a new subscriber to my youtube channel pops up...THAT EXACT MOMENT:

So, what does this mean? Why does this kind of thing happen constantly in my reality? Are these physical entities (what I buy, what I eat, etc.) somehow benefiting from my consumption? I give “Jameson Caskmates” energy and in return someone named “J C” is subscribing to my channel? This is the kind of information I’m seeking and I can’t simply live like a normal person anymore until I get more answers about what this place really is.

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1992: kenyon and ray get cancer

When I graduated Montclair High School in 1991 and then left for Boston in Jan, 1992, my stepmom, Kenyon, got cancer almost immediately after I left.

I just found out that the owner of my favorite lunch place during those high school years, “Ray’s”, where I ate lunch 5-6 days a weeks, got cancer at the exact same time as Kenyon...and actually died (she conquered it).

So, the two people who fed me for a total of about 90% of the time I was in high school both got cancer when I left…and one of them died. WTF?


Ray, from “Ray’s” is obvious code for sun rays from the “sons” who would eat there each day, including me. There were rarely any girls who ate there as it was basically just bacon cheeseburgers and gravy fries and virtually everyone who went there got the same thing.

This coded language was even mentioned in a segment from another article about his death:

"What his family didn't know early on was that his love of the sun likely contributed to melanoma. He died in November 1992 at age 53”.

His love of the SUN/SON.

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6/12/2017: cliff building x2

I get constant “coincidences” while surfing the web and I wanted to include one of my absurd web syncs in this section.

Two tweets in a row on my Twitter feed, from completely different sources (when I only follow 12 accounts, out of 320 million active users), both featuring extremely similar color schemes and content.

Two in a row featuring same colors? Ok, no biggie. Both ALSO featuring buildings hanging over cliffs? This is the kind of nonsense I’m talking about (these tweets came in at literally the same minute, from completely different sources):

5/18/2017: eddie > chris

Last night I emailed an old friend for the first time in nearly 4 years. We lived in the same house and were basically best buds in the early 90’s right when the whole Grunge thing was exploding. Soundgarden's "Badmotorfinger", Pearl Jam’s "Ten", Alice in Chains “Dirt” and Nirvana’s “Nevermind” are four of my favorite 75 albums of all time.

Here’s a screenshot of the email I sent to Matt, right above the last communication we had (this is me just searching my gmail for his name, which shows all communications in the order they happened and you can see the 4 year gap):

Here is the email itself (note: I’m just messing around with an old friend with the crazy verbiage, it’s not meant to be serious and he would know that):

(Just to clarify the screenshot above, which shows two communications. I responded to my own email to him before he had a chance to see the original so that he would get both thoughts at once before responding, even though he would never respond at all).

The singer I’m mentioning is Eddie Vedder. His band, Pearl Jam, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame a couple months ago.

Here’s the key to all of this: the very next morning, after sending the emails above, I woke up to the following tweet and had no idea what was even going on until I found out Chris Cornell committed suicide last night:

I ponder the "coincidental" death of Chris Cornell on the SAME NIGHT I was giving one of his top competitors props in an email to an old friend who used to listen to their music with me (Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, etc). I sing along to Eddie and Chris all the time, but I'm a bigger Eddie fan.

The even creepier part of all of this is that Andrew Wood, the first of all these Seattle singers to die (from the band Motherlovebone, which would eventually become Pearl Jam), looks like he could be a Matt clone (the friend I’m emailing above).

They were also both born on January 8th. AND, when Andrew Wood died, it actually led the way to Eddie Vedder replacing him as the lead singer of Pearl Jam. ANNND, I first met Matt when I moved to Boston, only a year after Andrew Wood died.

So, the guy I’m emailing to tell him to suck it because Eddie Vedder (someone Matt wasn't a big fan of) is now in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, actually looks like he’s the guy who died to help make it all a reality. AND Chris Cornell dies on the same night of the whole communication.

Andrew Wood:

Matt (fuzzy screenshot from a video of us playing live is all I have). Even though it’s hard to tell. The vibe, the forehead, the hair, the nose, etc. Matt could have easily been Andrew in some new form that I got to be friends with right after Andrew died:

2/25/2018: "poke bowl me over"

I send an email to my stepsister Kyla (K), at 12:38pm:


An hour later, I order three Poke (P) Bowls on Caviar (C) from a place that only serves "Poke Bowls", nothing else:

A few minutes later, after I just placed the Caviar order, Kyla responds to that email I sent her and part of her response has the words “it doesn’t BOWL me over”. The emails even came in, one after another, with no other emails in between:

Is Kyla some kind of troll who is observing my reality and subtly making jokes using my actions/the food I buy as double meaning, coded speak? Is she a robot who doesn't realize she's being used to do this? Or is this just some glitch in the simulated reality I appear to be in? WTF is going on here?

C (Caviar) and K (Kyla) are on the same left side wheel (#3) from my Alphabet Wheels theory. Not to mention, on the other side of 13 letters, the P (Poke) is on the 3rd wheel on that side, corresponding with the C/K wheel from the other side.

If you’re not familiar with my Alphabet Wheels theory, you won’t have any clue what I’m talking about. I believe there is something going on here and Kyla, Caviar, Poke are all one and the same. They all reside in the same quad (C/K/P/X) of alphabet letters, out of the 6 quads and 1 duo (the 7 groups).

Regardless whether any of that matters, the key to this entry is the sync of her using the word “bowl” just minutes after me ordering the poke bowls. I know it was on purpose, the main question is who is making it happen and why?

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3/23/2017: winged dogs, winged rat

I send an email to Mika mentioning the “winged dogs” from the movie Coraline: the exact minute I’m sending it, a tweet shows up on my feed mentioning a winged rat:

Because you have to click the little triangle for gmail to show the timestamp:

The tweet came in, literally, at the exact moment I was finishing my email to her. Even though the tweet says 9:35am and my email is a minute later, the tweet probably showed up at the identical moment I was finishing writing the email, before hitting “send”:

(note the first tweet graphic is on the day this happened and it says “13m” because I didn’t notice the tweet until 13 minutes after it was posted, but that doesn’t change the fact that it came in at the exact minute I sent the email)

Here is a screenshot from the actual article (posted the day before they tweeted about it), so you can see it definitely has the winged rat thing in it:

I don’t believe these kind of syncs happen coincidentally. This is obviously a very specific sync using very unusual things (winged dogs, winged rat). The main question is, is it just random nonsense that happens to correlate with my thoughts and actions, or is it on purpose to deliver some kind of message?

Is someone/something trying to tell me I’m a rat for telling Mika what I believe is the truth of this reality? I need to know why it’s happening.

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11/3/2016: zach g.

I just finished (loudly) singing along with a Fiona Apple song and I wondered if my neighbor DIRECTLY across the street, Zach Galafanakis, could hear me singing. Zach is friends with Fiona and was even in one of her videos, lip syncing in place of her.

Right in the middle of the song, this email came in, which is a response to an Instacart mistake that happened earlier that day:

So, someone named Zack G. is saying "thanks for reaching out to us today". right after I was thinking about the Zach G. across the street?

(unfortunately, at the time, I did not screenshot the "last played" time stamp from iTunes to show the Fiona song having been played at the same time. Had I known I would later be creating this site, where I'm trying to provide as much concrete proof as possible, I obviously would have.)

BTW, the small area where I currently live, in Venice, is referred to as an artist “community”. My residential building is referred to as the "Sunset 6", but the general block is mostly artists. So the "we appreciate you being part of our community" line also rings true.

BUT, this wouldn't be the only time something like this would happen. See the next entry.

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11/1/2017: zach g. #2

This is the second time something like the following has happened regarding actor Zach Galifianakis, who I used to live across the street from in Venice. Zach G. showed up in a dream last night (Oct 31) and when I ordered lunch today, guess who is delivering my food?

This is a screenshot of the original file from Evernote, where I document all my nightly dreams, showing how I added the screenshot of the food delivery later that day (Nov 1) just a few hours AFTER I had already documented the dream from the previous night. The addition begins with the word “NOTE” in the last sentence of the dream entry:

This is the actual email from the delivery company:

It's almost the year anniversary of when something almost exactly like this happened the first time (the entry above this one), involving a Zach G., seemingly related to Zach Galifianakis again. The original happening was in Venice, when I lived across the street from him, this one was when I had a dream that seemed to involve him, while I was staying at a hotel in Asheville, NC.

Welcome to my un-reality.

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11/9/2017: jt

I have an audio device by my bed that records for the entire night in order to make the process of documenting my dreams easier. I simply speak about each dream out loud after I awaken from them and then in the morning, I write out what I recorded the night before.

Last night, I had a dream with Justin Timberlake in it, which I documented first thing after getting up. Right after that, as soon as I went to my Twitter feed, a tweet about him suddenly shows up:

Here is a screenshot of the dream I had overnight (“Dream 4h” means it occurred 4 hours after I went to sleep). You can see how I’ve added a sentence at the end with the word “NOTE” showing the screenshot of the tweet that came in right after my initial documentation. I’m constantly adding these additional “NOTE” kind of sentences to these daily files because I often have premonitions that come true or people in my dreams who show up the day after the dream, etc:

The key here is that, not only do I only follow 12 accounts on Twitter, out of over 300 million active users, it’s not like Justin had JUST been announced as being the Super Bowl half time performer yesterday. No, the announcement was 18 DAYS AGO (and the Super Bowl doesn’t happen for 3 more months):

BUT…it doesn’t end there. Just a few hours later, the same day, this tweet suddenly comes in:

Jessica Biel is Justin’s wife. Oddly enough, I actually thought about her while laying in bed after the dream I had, because I was pondering that Justin may be gay (I was trying to get away from him in the dream) and that she is just a beard for him. She's pretty masculine and the marriage doesn't quite seem legit.

Morningstar mentioned in the tweet is also an obvious Lucifer reference.

Regardless, the main point is that she is suddenly ALSO making an appearance in my reality. From a completely different Twitter source...on the same day of the Justin Timberlake Onion tweet…in my feed of only 12 accounts…the night after I had and documented a dream with him in it.

These are NOT random occurrences. I had the dream with JT in it because one of his songs was stuck in my head…over and over again, which caused him to appear. But the key to whatever this reality is, is that after waking from my supposed subconscious, he is suddenly in my “real” world and he showed up instantly when I went to Twitter, that morning. Then a little later, the SAME DAY, his wife is also showing up in my feed. It’s all on purpose and gives a glimpse into how this place works.

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11/21/2014: aunt marny

I met a realtor today named Marny and she reminded me of my Aunt Marsha, who I haven't seen or talked to in years. Same build, similar face/hair, similar vibe, same first 3 letters of name (Mar), etc.

I’m considering renting her space on Abbot Kinney for my Shine music project. Here is the email she sent me right after we went and viewed the place:

Just after I received that email, this tweet from my favorite baseball team comes in on my Twitter feed:

My Aunt’s maiden name is Marsha Landau, which is very fucking close to Marsha Landar, wouldn't you say?

Note the date stamp of the tweet, which is the same day that her email came in:

Here is Marsha (I don’t have any recent pics, so it’s hard to show the similarities, but I assure you they exist, more-so than I can depict here:

Here is Marny:

Just more mind fuckery in whatever this reality is.

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