absurd web syncs

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12/13/2017: guns

A gun is featured prominently in a tweet on my feed of only 10 Twitter accounts that I follow:

Then, I get an email with a comment posted to my youtube channel by a user with a gun as their avatar:

And during that same 15 minute period, a tweet with the name “Barry Dicks” also appeared (guns = metaphor for dicks):

What does this succession of gun/dick related things purposely planted in my vision mean? My guess is it’s simply a form of communication that I’m a man (or have a man/men shadowing/inhabiting my body). I believe unseen entities can inhabit or shadow human bodies. These clues, all very close to one another may simply be some kind of verification of what I said above…to someone/someones else who are using my eyes as a camera.

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12/27/2017: red and white infinity symbols

A red and white infinity symbol combination in SUCCESSIVE tweets in my feed:

The one in the bottom tweet is a bit cut off and I realize the top one doesn’t even look legitimate because of that weirdly placed red box with the symbol inside it, but I assure you it is. Here is the time stamp of the original by itself to show you:

Not sure what it means, but it just seems odd. Especially that one infinity symbol that doesn’t really belong in the picture of the cake.

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11/2/2016: red Xs

First I see this:

Then, just 40 minutes later, this was posted:

Just another example that someone/something is trying to get a message across either to me (my subconscious?) or to someone looking through my eyes.

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7/15/2017: desktop/browser color match

I changed my desktop picture on my laptop to something VERY colorful and immediately a tweet comes into my feed, basically replicating the color scheme (I screenshot the tweet directly on top of the desktop picture):

An hour later, Tide changes its colors in a joke tweet to a green and orange combo and those colors just happen to completely match the colors of the tweet that came in RIGHT BEFORE IT, in succession:

What the hell is going on here? Why does this constantly happen in my reality? Are these tweets purposely flashing a coded, color message to me?

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12/21/2017: 25k

“$25,000” and “25K”, in SUCCESSIVE tweets, posted literally at the same minute. I go through these syncs/messages so often that I know it’s on purpose (I have dozens more EXACTLY like this that I am not posting):

Not sure what causes it or if it’s truly someone trying to give a message to me or to someone who is “along for the ride” and looking through my eyes, but I know it’s not random.

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12/29/2017: 4000-5000

I want to give a quick example of a particular kind of number sync/message I get on a regular basis.

Notice that in the tweet examples below from bottom to top (in order of when they came in), numbers in the high 4000s show up, followed by a 40 and a 50, in the same tweet. Then we're back to 4000s again.

I’m not sure how they use their code, but they are clearly trying to get a message across, involving a number range between 4000 and 5000. 4s and 5s are the key, whether it's 40-50 or 4289-4999, and so on.

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3/15/2017: “has not seen the last of me”

I turned the images off in my browser so I wouldn’t have to look at pictures of people or at colors being flashed to me, because I am just tired of the clues/messages.

Recently I’ve also been seeing a lot of news about some guy named Geert Wilders, who looks like some weird Leonardo DiCaprio clone.

So, I just got another tweet with this guy being mentioned and it’s specifically addressing the fact that I cannot see his picture currently, because my images are turned off:

Even though they are using another person’s name (Rutte) in place of my own, it’s a coded message...to ME, because I am not currently seeing this Geert guy’s weird face with the images turned off…and because I HAD BEEN seeing him over the previous couple of days.

Pic of Geert Wilders (sorry):

7/13/2017: thirdsday eyes

Today is a Thursday, which I believe means “Third Eye Day” (all seeing eye, 6th chakra) and I’m supposed to be taking pictures of things today with a camera OR with my own eyes. Or someone, possibly my mother or another central figure, is looking through my eyes at what I look at and they want to be impressed.

Regardless of the true meaning, I know that when Thursday rolls around, there will be tons of posts about cameras, eyes, single eyes, pictures, indigo/purple, etc. 

[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]

Here are examples from today:

I also sent a text to Mika and this was her reply, which is completely suspect/obvious:

Me responding with "typical" was a sarcastic response about her "coincidental" use of the phrase “keep an eye out” on third eye day, which I know was on purpose and is coded. I don’t know if the people around me are fully aware of what they are doing or if they are just complete robots/NPCs and simply following commands.

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12/8/2017: orange and blue step son

This is a good example of them/it referencing colors as coded messages and most likely related to me. I often times get the impression I am deemed to resonate most with orange and blue (the colors of my favorite sports team of all time, the NY Mets). Sacral chakra (orange), throat chakra (blue).

In SUCCESSIVE tweets, the bottom tweet has orange and blue colors showing. The middle tweet mentions the “head of the house” (which is code for father or a step-father). The top tweet once again flashes the orange and blue colors and shows a stepfather wearing red. Stepfather would obviously = man of the house and the kid not "having his genetic material" means he's not RED like the father, but blue and orange instead (like me):

8/9/2017: blue day, 3 in a row

Just another great example of the kinds of tweets in succession I get on various “color” chakra days. Today is Wednesday, which means I’m supposed to collect or operate in blue. So, I’ll notice strings of tweets all featuring the corresponding color of the day. Here are 3 that happened today within a 6 minute span:

(REMINDER: I only follow between 5-20 (usually around 10) twitter accounts at any given time, out of over 300 million active users. The statistical probability of these kinds of syncs happening randomly, and on a regular basis like they do, is infinitesimal. They are happening on purpose.)

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11/15/2017: blue day - blue battles green later

Another example of the kinds of posts I get related to color for any given day. Today is Wednesday, blue day, throat chakra day. The day started out with some major blue flashes, in SUCCESSIVE tweets, from different sources:

But as the day went on, it seemed like green (yesterday’s color) and blue were battling for supremacy.

Here, blue and green are featured together in SUCCESSIVE tweets, from different sources:

During the evening, the green and blue battle goes on and on:

AND, notice the TV screen directly above with a painting of someone wearing blue, surrounded by a green outline/frame...and how the tweet below, which came in just minutes after that one, shows virtually the same exact thing:

I mean, come on, what the hell is that supposed to mean? They are depicting the EXACT SAME THING.

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