7/13/2017: thirdsday eyes
Today is a Thursday, which I believe means “Third Eye Day” (all seeing eye, 6th chakra) and I’m supposed to be taking pictures of things today with a camera OR with my own eyes. Or someone, possibly my mother or another central figure, is looking through my eyes at what I look at and they want to be impressed.
Regardless of the true meaning, I know that when Thursday rolls around, there will be tons of posts about cameras, eyes, single eyes, pictures, indigo/purple, etc.
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
Here are examples from today:
I also sent a text to Mika and this was her reply, which is completely suspect/obvious:
Me responding with "typical" was a sarcastic response about her "coincidental" use of the phrase “keep an eye out” on third eye day, which I know was on purpose and is coded. I don’t know if the people around me are fully aware of what they are doing or if they are just complete robots/NPCs and simply following commands.