10/9/2017: japanese trends
I decide to mess around and change my Twitter trends location from "United States" to some random city in Japan. Literally, within a few minutes, this tweet shows up on my feed:
No, The Onion does not, nor does anyone else have the ability to tailor tweets for users based on the country they’ve set in “Trends”. Things like that only exist for advertisements, which do not even appear on Twitter for me because I use an ad blocker.
The Onion is just suddenly posting something showing a FUCKING JAPANESE FLAG, because my reality responds to my thoughts and actions. It's like clockwork.
9/4/2017: rainbow colors x4
Notice a trend in the pictures/colors showing in these tweets? All in SUCCESSION on my feed. Give me a break:
10/18/2017: next destination: queens
I get a tweet from Architectural Digest featuring the future King of England and his Duchess saying they “have their sights set on their next destination”.
Less than 3 minutes later, in a SUCCESSIVE TWEET, from a completely DIFFERENT SOURCE, a tweet is using the word “Queens”?
Next destination = King and Queen? OR perhaps they're both queens?
1/13/2017: turkey sammich
Two completely different users on one of two conspiracy forums I frequent posting the SAME THING at the exact SAME TIME in a thread titled “If you had to name your pet after the last thing you ate, what would the name be?"
To me it’s just proof that there is some programming at play and both of these robots/AI were activated to respond at same time, accidentally. I mean, they’re even using the same capital T and lower case s in the words. I really have no idea what it means, as fucking usual, because I'm being kept in the dark.
7/6/2017: pastel green
Not just greens, the EXACT PASTEL SHADE, one after another IN SUCCESSION on my twitter feed of only 13 followed accounts:
12/30/2017: orange bowl
Not only is there SERIOUS orange going on in 3 SUCCESSIVE TWEETS, which is clearly a coded message, #orangebowl is the #1 trending topic on the left sidebar:
(The tweet from “Packt” is an ad Twitter placed in my feed when I had my ad-block off, hence why it has Dec 20 on it vs. a normal timestamp.)
9/11/2017: green with pink in the middle
Two tweets in SUCCESSION, within 2 minutes of one another, showing green with pink in the middle? Yes.
3/23/2017: same guy in background
Same smiling guy (at different ages) with thick rimmed glasses and his head tilted, side by side, while surfing Flipboard:
9/29/2017: fascinatingly similar foliage
Wouldn’t you say? Both IN SUCCESSION, from completely different companies, when I only follow 14 accounts out of over 300 million possible active users:
4/19/2017: aaron/gronk
Aaron Hernandez, a football star who used to play with the Patriots before going to jail, committed suicide today and is trending on Twitter.
I look at the rest of the Trends and see “Gronk”, who was Aaron’s teammate when the two of them comprised the "greatest Tight End duo in NFL history". So, I just assumed people were mentioning him in tweets about Aaron Hernandez and that’s why he was trending, as well.
Gronk is trending for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REASON:
Rob Gronkowski is trending because he peeked his head in to a White House Press conference this morning while Sean Spicer was speaking to cameras and when everyone was watching it on TV:
An article about the two of them when they first came into the league at the same time, for the same team:
So, on the day Aaron Hernandez was found dead, the Patriots just happen to be visiting the White House...AND Rob Gronkowski JUST HAPPENS to do something special, so he is suddenly trending at the same time as Aaron. BUT, NOT FOR THE REASON YOU'D THINK.
It's truly hilarious how this all works. None of this is coincidental. It’s ritualistic, on purpose, etc.
3/28/2017: quadriplegics
2 tweets on my feed, where I only follow 10 people, within 5 minutes of each other, from completely different stories/sources, mentioning the word quadriplegic?
And just to be crystal clear about this, the story mentioned in the AboveTopSecret tweet (about “thought control tech”) was a very minor news story that day, so it’s not like the Onion was jumping on board some subject/story that everyone was talking about involving quadriplegics.
If you do a search in Twitter on the word quadriplegic for March 28, 2017, there are only 22 tweets mentioning that story, which is literally nothing when it comes to popular news stories on Twitter, and not a single major news source reported the same story.
What does it mean? I have no idea. I suspect it’s just typical coded, double meaning bullshit and having to do with some actions of mine or someone looking through my eyes and using my body, without me knowing about it.
What I do know, is that it’s ON PURPOSE, like everything else I experience. It’s not a coincidence and it’s not random.
4/20/2017: color scheme pairs/collections x3
3 sets of matching color schemes in SUCCESSIVE tweets for each color group, all on the SAME DAY within the same couple hours:
Yellow/off white:
Pastel rainbow colors:
(REMINDER: I only follow between 5-20 (usually around 10) twitter accounts at any given time, out of over 300 million active users. The statistical probability of these kinds of syncs happening randomly, and on a regular basis like they do, is infinitesimal. They are happening on purpose.)
3/2/2018: 3 pairs of color scheme buddies
Another great example of groups of colors suddenly appearing in successive tweets over a couple hour period, on the same evening:
7:19pm: Blue and Red/Pink:
7:50pm: Green
8:20pm: Orange and Yellow/Beige
(a tweet happened in between, without a pic, BUT, the avatar from that account DOES match the orange and beige/yellow scheme):
3/8/2018: light browns with flashes of green
Wouldn’t you say it’s more than a “coincidence” that TWO TWEETS IN A ROW have pics that are mostly light brown with a flash of green in a very specific place in each? But, why would this happen? Welcome to the mind fuck of my reality.
list of all entries from all pages, ordered by date.