Stream of consciousness based on my own life to try to establish what seems true and why I’m here. Some of the info below is pretty far out there, be forewarned.
Is This Heaven?
This song was released the day before I was born.
It sure doesn’t seem like this place is Heaven, though. It’s more like a subtle form of Hell or some kind of purgatory where I’m being tested, judged, and used.
(It's also possible that the B-side of the record is more fitting) (that’s a joke)
My Mother And Father Are Both 7s (life path)
25/7, 34/7 in numerology.
Considering all the systems based on the number 7 that govern this reality (7 days of the week, 7 deadly sins, 7 chakras, 7 colors of the prism/rainbow, 7 “classical” planets visible with naked eye from Earth, 7 billion population, 7 notes in a scale, 7 heavens, 7 seas, 7 continents, 7 wonders of the World, etc) it makes complete sense.
Parting Gifts?
My favorite baseball team (Mets) won their last World Series when my single mom gave me to my dad/step-mom in 1986, when I was 13 and went to live with them. The World Series win was kind of like a parting gift for me from my mom?
6 years later, my favorite football team (Redskins) won their last Super Bowl when I left my dad/step-mom to move to Boston after high school in 1992. Another parting gift? From my step-mom this time?
(Neither team has won another championship in 37 years and 31 years, respectively. It doesn’t matter as I'm not a big sports fan anymore, now that I know this entire reality is a sham.)
New Jersey, The State Of My "Birth", Is Shaped Like An Embryo.
I theorize it’s because I haven't actually been born yet and my current reality is some kind of stasis or “in between” reality (like being in the womb). New Jersey may also be code for “New Jerusalem”, the final dwelling place of souls redeemed by Jesus.
Body Snatchers
When I was a kid, I used to watch Neil Peart on video and then I would play the drums, immediately after. The end result was that I was absolutely better than normal.
With what I know now, it’s obvious why this ACTUALLY occurs; Neil was suddenly residing inside me or shadowing me because I provided him energy while watching him. I gave him access to my mind, field, body.
My TV/Video hypnosis theory that puts the brain into alpha state took place, and Neil was suddenly "connected" to me. Hence, why I was "channeling" him and why he seemingly had some control over my body, which improved my drumming ability.
This kind of thing didn’t really happen just by listening to his music. The key was using my eyes to watch him.
I'm Being Used...Again.
While I'm watching a Mets game, I go to take a leak and I look at my dick. At that exact moment, I hear the TV say “it’s a beauty”.
I ponder the whole thing while I’m still pissing and then I hear them say “I’d use it with Vic Black” (a player on the Mets).
I believe these TV entities, who can seemingly shadow humans as ghosts and influence our behavior in waking state (and in dream state), are referring to Vic Black’s energy/spirit combining with mine, which will create a good end result.
Most likely, they are talking about while I'm sleeping at night and how I will be used as a dream puppet. They can seemingly combine my energy with one or more of themselves, while dreaming, and they can “pull the strings”, so to speak.
Bricktown = "Be Rick" Town.
When I lived in Bricktown, with my mother, from age 10 until 13, her boyfriend was named Rick. Was I supposed to be influenced by him? Was he sharing my body at the time and using me to experience life?
Be Rick = B Rick = Brick.
Another interesting point was that Rick’s last name was Etchason, which is similar to Etch-a-Sketch, a famous toy at the time, to create drawings. Was Rich Etchason being utilized in my early years to help my mother “etch a son” out of me because he was acting as my father figure and as my greatest male influence?
I Was Due On July 4, 1973
Independence Day, and I would have been a 31/4 life path in numerology.
Instead, I was born 10 days late, on July 14th, which just happens to be French Independence Day (Bastille Day) and the next number in line, 32/5.
Considering the weirdness of the Statue of Liberty being made in France and then gifted to the US, it's all very fishy.
I also ponder that I was called a bastard child during my childhood, even though I’m not actually a bastard by definition because I simply had no father in my life. I did know who he was. BASTard, BASTille?
America = A = Aaron and is ALSO a 32/5. 7/4/1776 and 7/14/1973 each add up to 32/5.
Statue Of Liberty = SOL, same as the name of the Sun (Sol, solar system).
Geometric art I drew when I was 18.
I'm The Balance?
I’m the 5th number out of 9 numbers.
I’m a 32/5 life path in Numerology, which is directly in the middle:
1234 5 6789
I am the 27th card out of 53 cards (if you include the Joker).
I’m the Ace of Diamonds in Richmond's/Camp’s card system, based on my birthdate, July 14. This means I am ALSO the card directly in the middle of the entire deck. The Ace of Hearts is the first card, the King of Spades is the last card (before the Joker, which is the REAL last card), which means my card, the Ace of Diamonds, is directly in the middle.
My life path number, 32, also represents the freezing point (32° F, 0° C). Anything 32° F (0° C) and below is frozen. Anything above 32 is unfrozen (1° C).
This may have “33” freemasonry/illuminati implications, where if I was to move forward one, however that is achieved, I would not be “frozen” anymore and would suddenly gain insight (from 32 to 33, from 0 to 1).
I believe I am the balance. If I go backwards, it’s back to the left side, If I go forwards, it’s the right side. Somehow it may be possible I am somehow the average between both sides and if I am imbalanced (which I totally am right now), the world around me is affected accordingly.
"Co-Ma" Was The Nickname I Used To Call My Stepmother.
When I lived with my birth mother, I would refer to her as “Ma”. When I moved in with my step-mother, we agreed to refer to her as my “Co-Ma”, as if she was acting in conjunction with my actual mother/ma to raise me.
I realize now it was probably just code and means "coma” because it’s possible I’m currently in a coma, living in a simulated reality, and she's just been an actor/handler all along.
OR it means co-ma as in "company mother” because my reality became the basis of a TV show and is considered a business (company) now. It’s possible that the act of my real mother giving me away, even though I was 13 at the time, represents giving me up for adoption, like Truman was given up in the Truman show.
Or it’s a combination of both and Kenyon (my stepmom) is just the actor mom for the show/company. But the show isn’t actually real because I’m simply in a coma right now and am being used as a dream puppet.
I told you some of these entries would be pretty far out there.
Candy Ring
My father, Bill, gave my step mother, Kenyon, a candy ring when they were married in 1986. It was some temporary thing/joke, but I bet it was metaphoric.
I'm not sure of the significance, but I theorize that it represents me giving up eating candy, drinking Coca Cola, using my Commodore computer, eating chicken, etc (all C things) as a 13 yr old boy when I moved in with them.
Those items became non-existent in my life as their household was much healthier than my previous one and Kenyon was mostly vegetarian.
The timing is also pretty on the mark for when cocaine (C) went out of fashion in 1987. Based on my Alphabet Wheel theory C and K (Kenyon) are the same. They are just on opposite sides of their own 3rd wheel.
So, perhaps giving up all those C things was a trade off for actually living with Kenyon, as my new stepmother. I would now be giving an actual person who represented C/K the attention I used to give the material things starting with those letters.
NOTE: I am now also remembering that my father met my birth mother, Sharon, when she and her best friend, Candy, picked him up when he was hitchhiking (1971-ish). He seemingly could have chosen between my mom and Candy to hook up with but chose my mom and eventually I was conceived in 1972 and born in 1973.
Is there a parallel between my step mom Kenyon and Candy and me giving up candy/coke at the time? Candy (who I used to call Aunt Candy) was also a vegetarian and had a very healthy household when my mom and I lived with her when I was 9.
This guy is God?
The Real Reason There is a Very Noticeable Ring Around Saturn
My stepmother, Kenyon, who my father married in 1986, was born on Saturday (Saturn-day). She’s the reason there is a very visible ring around Saturn. The ring represents their wedding ring/marriage.
Saturn (#1, Root Chakra) is married to the Sun (#7, Crown Chakra). The Sun is my father (the Father), Kenyon is Saturn. They consummate their marriage directly in between the two of them, Sun (7) and Saturn (1), on body #4, Earth (Heart Chakra).
Earth is an anagram of heart.
I am my “Father” on Earth (the Sun’s son). He's the Sun, #7, but married to #1 and therefore I’m currently residing on #4, Earth, and taking the form of the “son”, which is the lesser form of the Sun.
M Theory
Like most people, the things I enjoy most in life start with a variety of first initials. Music, Sex, Architecture, Internet, etc.
But it's extremely interesting how the letter M seems to be the most important first initial of not only my absolute favorite things, but of many of the most important people around me. AND, of the generally most important things in this reality:
Milky Way Galaxy
Mother Earth
Mathematics (another word for “God”)
Mammals (what we are)
Martha (step-mom) (Mars)
Marsha (important family member) (Mars)
Maire (sister’s middle name) (Mars)
Marie (grandma’s middle name) (Mars)
Monkey (Chinese Zodiac of the 3 key female figures in my life (grandmother, mother, sister)
Mia (first crush in school)
Marissa (first sex) (Mars)
Martin (last name of my first adult girlfriend) (Mars)
Megan (first important girlfriend)
Milena (next most important girlfriend)
Mika (next most important girlfriend)
Mike (best friend in high school)
Matt (best friend after high school)
Montclair (where I graduated high school)
Music (my favorite thing)
Mets (favorite sports team)
Manhattan (favorite city)
Metaphysics (greatest interest)
Masters of the Universe (fav toy as a kid)
Mammary Glands (duh)
Mind (mental activity)
Modern Architecture (favorite style)
Masturbation (occasional)
Matrix (probably this reality/simulation)
Metaphor (everything, seemingly)
Considering, I believe there is a connection between the A (my first name) and the M (and the N and Z), based on my Alphabet Wheels Theory, maybe it all ties together and this is the reason why so many important things in reality start with M.
(Note: Many of the things listed above, I barely care about anymore as I have very few interests left and am just waiting to die.)
Back In 2009 I Experimented With Marijuana.
Marijuana does not have a positive effect on me. While vaping or eating edibles, I actually began to "channel" various entities who seemed to be doing things through me, while using my body.
All I had to do was get stoned and then relax my body/mind completely and just feel the energy coming through me and let it take over my movements. Activities such as boxing, dancing, dribbling a basketball in intricate ways like a Harlem Globetrotter, double dutch jumprope (something I've never done but was suddenly motioning/moving like I was an expert at it) etc. I have video during that time that I have not posted online yet because I need to have it digitized.
I realized that marijuana was opening me up and allowing other entities to jump on board and to share their bodies/history, through me. THIS is why it's usually more enjoyable to eat and snack while stoned. It’s a shared experience.
Eating also helps ground yourself when you’re getting too “high”. I theorize that the fact that it feels so good is actually the result of some non-physical entity suddenly being able to experience physicality/food via the stoned body they've jumped into.
They LOVE the fact that they can eat again, hence why it's more enjoyable to the stoned person while doing it, even though they have no idea what's REALLY happening.
The weaker your immune system or your mental/emotional makeup is, the more susceptible you are to actually being fully possessed by whoever is able to influence your body while doing drugs. In 2009, I was simply in a bad state, which allowed beings to come through me in greater detail. I was never fully possessed, but at times it certainly was difficult to control my own body.
I don't experiment with pot regularly anymore but every couple of years I will eat an edible to see what effect it has on me. Marijuana mostly just causes my mind to race with many thoughts seemingly being beamed into my head from elsewhere/other entities.
The strangest phenomenon I experience relates to the “channeling” episodes I mentioned above. While I don’t try to channel anymore, I still began to feel very strange body sensations while stoned. It’s as if I feel the bodies of other people who reside in some other dimension/reality. The following is an example of what I mean:
Today I had an edible for the first time in years and the initial feeling I begin to get is that I want to close my eyes. But it's not like it's ME wanting to do this. It’s as if someone is inside me or sharing my body and they’re fully asleep in some bed somewhere. It’s as if I am immediately being affected by this because I’m stoned and sharing their energy/body. It's as if I'm them in some way and crossing over to their reality, where they are asleep. So, my body is physically mimicking them, by #1 getting really tired, and #2, actually feeling as if I need to reposition myself into their exact sleep position, or else my body will feel strained and begin to hurt.
I contemplate that this other person is in the process of dreaming and is sharing my body/reality while they're in their own REM state. This is actually something I’ve theorized in my own sleep research. The idea that when we go to sleep and dream, there are times our spirit/etheric body simply resides in other’s people bodies along with them. We then experience their world, as our dream. It’s why we don’t completely feel like ourselves in many dreams and sometimes wake up pondering stuff like “what the hell was I just doing?”.
The question is…who is this person that is sharing my body while I’m stoned? Do we resonate on similar frequencies? Are they in a parallel dimension? Is it me in another form? Does that "me" know the full truth and I’m the one in the dark on what is occurring?
I theorize that the feeling of being stoned from the use of marijuana may simply be the result of me opening myself up, which allows another entity (or more than one entity) to suddenly be able to reside within me/shadow me. And then, I’m channeling their spirit/energy, as a result.
Animals Change Into Human Form And Vice Versa Depending On Which Frequency I'm Residing At.
I ponder that the “higher in frequency” I am (the more mentally active I am) the less grounded to Earth I become. The less physical I am, the less I pay attention to my physical body, the less that gravity occurs. The less gravity, the more like a bird I become. Free and ready to fly away.
I theorize the crazy idea that when this occurs, which it has at various times over the last 5-7 years, actual birds are able to suddenly take human form and appear in my reality, simply because we are now resonating on the same frequency.
If I eat too much or do various other physical activities to drop me back down to a lower level frequency, it doesn't bode well for the birds and they get pretty pissed off at me. Their goal is to remain in human form, not animal form. So, they need to try to keep me at the more mental, lighter, higher frequency.
I went through this kind of experience most prominently in Seattle in 2010, during one of my MZs. An MZ represents short time periods in my life when I seem to be in a mystery zone, not normal grounded reality. I seem to be in some other dimension and am hyper-aware. I am unable to eat much, my mind begins racing, and I am truly stuck up in my head.
During this MZ, the people around me seemed to represent birds in human form, as mentioned above. I just got the feeling some birds around me were resonating at that higher, more mentally active level…and able to appear as people to interact with.
Right in the middle of the whole thing, even though my body and insides were all fucked up feeling, which is one of the side effects of becoming too mental (the body trying to get me to pay attention to it, rather than drift off into outer space) I suddenly decided to fuck things up and go get some pizza with meat on it.
The second I walked out the door, these people/birds around me all seemed angry and I began to encounter disgruntled looks and just an overall vibe that I was doing something wrong.
After I picked up the pizza, I got in the elevator of my building and a woman with a dog suddenly got in with me. I don’t trust situations like that, even remotely, anymore.
This dog was looking up at me and sniffing the pizza. His name was “Louie”. I know this because the woman said it out loud, on purpose, so I would hear it. The dog was a Bull Terrier (orangey). This moment happened during the exact time period when comedian Louie CK had his popular “Louie” TV show. I was a big fan of the show, watched regularly, and gave Louie CK significant energy/laughs.
Bull Terrier
Ok, here is what I posit. When I went up to this higher frequency level, suddenly birds showed up in human form because they also resonated at that frequency. AND the lower frequency humans I USED TO resonate with were now cast back into their animal forms. Louie CK was now an actual dog…and they named him Louie, and said the name out loud on purpose, so I would know what was happening.
Louie CK resonates at a lower, more animalistic frequency, as I did for a period of time when I was heavily eating shit and more grounded to Earth.
It began to seem that all these beings keep fluctuating between their human and their animal forms and are all battling each other to keep me at their frequency.
Louie Terrier
So, if I suddenly decide to be a slob, drink alcohol, eat heavy foods, while I am residing at a HIGHER frequency, I will get resistance from the people around me who are also residing at that higher frequency. They don’t want to suddenly disappear when my actions result in me dropping down in frequency.
On the contrary, If I’m a slob for a while but then decide to stop drinking, stop eating shit, begin to focus on mental activities vs doing physical things, I then get resistance from the LOWER frequency, more animalistic beings around me at that time. It’s a constant battle between frequencies, between animal groups trying to exist in human form….based on my actions.
Based on this theory, it’s possible that a disastrous event that happened to me on May 1, 2005, was a result of this kind of happening. It was a time period in my life where I was eating much less and drinking less alcohol because I was doing coke on the weekends.
I was drugged by a couple we barely knew and It caused a major situation over a few day period. I now believe it’s possible that my girlfriend at the time, Mika, set me up, whether it was consciously or metaphysically.
Mika is a dog in Chinese Zodiac (lower frequency, carnivore) and she always preferred when I/we were eating. I suddenly wanted to party or do mental things and she would be pushing to eat instead. We had been together for over 5 years and I was usually residing in a lower frequency state.
Doing coke caused me to go VERY high in frequency, to be very positive, my mind to race, and my mouth to not shut up. I would lose all libido and I wouldn't feel the need to eat for days, which just escalates the ascent to higher frequency (no food to ground me).
I theorize that this newfound party activity, had it continued, would have turned Mika from her human form back into a dog again. So, she needed to get me to stop doing coke to protect herself, and that somehow she set the whole thing up. Once again, I don’t know if this is all metaphysical stipulation or an mundane event, but if this is remotely true, it just solidifies that this existence is FUCKED UP.
My Birth Name Doesn't Make Any Sense
There is so much going on here, let me dissect this for you:
1. My first name is Aaron because my mother's name is Sharon and she was supposedly tired of naming her kids after their own fathers. Her first two husbands, Sal and Don both have one son, my half brothers, that are juniors of their own father’s names. So, my mother chose something that sounded like her own name. Sharon, Aaron.
2. My middle name is Landau (Jewish), even though it's actually my father's last name. My mom claims that she gave me that as a middle name because she was not married or with my father at the time I was born. And, she wanted to make sure that in the future, I would not end up having sex with a Landau who may be my own blood.
It's complete bullshit, of course, not to mention nonsensical. I'll get to why I feel that way, later.
3. My last name is Schwarz (German, pronounced "Shwatz"). It’s my last name because my mom never went back to her maiden name after marrying her second husband. But once again, I don't feel like this was just some generic thing. I feel my entire name has major non-mundane implications.
I theorize that I'm in some in between state/reality where I'm supposed to choose a side. Will I choose the light side or the dark side? L on the left side of the 26 letters, S on the right side, in my Alphabet Wheels theory.
Who is my real father? Landau, the surname of the guy I know as my dad, or Schwarz, surname of the guy I know was my mom’s husband before she was with my father?
Landau is Jewish and Schwarz is German. Jesus (J) or God (G)?
We know what we’ve been told Germans did to Jews during the holocaust. I say it like that because once you begin to question your entire existence, you begin to question EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of what you’ve been told. The Nazis were the bad guys.
Recently I've discovered that the TV is alive and it’s being used to hypnotize viewers so that they can be used in various ways by the intelligence behind what is happening. It's all being kept secret.
I've also developed a method to "deflect" what this intelligence is trying to do. I'm able to watch TV (or any video) while keeping my brain above alpha, the usual brainwave state people’s brains goes into while watching. If you never let them control your eyes with their camera movements, which are all just part of the hypnosis, and you never rest your eyes on anything THEY want you to look at, you can deter what they are trying to accomplish.
I guess you might call this NOT SEEING them. Otherwise known as a NOT-SEE. Sound that out a couple times.
Then, when you take into consideration that Jews own all major media companies and control what you see on TV and in the news, it makes it even more interesting.
Look, I only care about one thing. TRUTH. I don't give a fuck if you think I'm a biggot, because it's not true. BUT that doesn't mean I'm just going to accept that things are "kosher" and that my reality isn't suspect or being manipulated by nefarious forces.
Are Jews this nefarious force? I have no idea, I'm just theorizing and sharing my thoughts on what I'm discovering. Not to mention, I’m 24% Jewish based on my father’s heritage.
The concept of choosing NOT to suspend my disbelief (the term that’s used when you watch TV/movies and decide to simply believe what you’re seeing as real) AND to not allow my heart to be open while I watch TV/media (the Jews) may be causing a ripple. It’s almost as if I’m taking them out of the game.
My choice to NOT-SEE them by purposely never settling my eyes on the people on screen or anything on screen = purposely stopping my heart chakra from feeling anything while I watch. I've mentioned in many of my videos that I believe the heart chakra is represented by Jesus.
Jesus = J = Jews (he was Jewish). The people behind media create LIES for money. News, stories, movies, shows that convince you of things that are not true/real. These lies are meant to create emotion in the viewers watching them and to convince you to desire/strive to live a certain way, even though most of it is bullshit.
Who are the two biggest stars of all time on Earth? The two biggest names that have ever existed? The most name recognition, biggest impact, etc, whether positive or negative?
Jesus is obviously one of them and I think you know the other one. Hint: his first name starts with A, just like mine.
Was he a NOT-SEE? Maybe my name SHOULD be Aaron Schwarz (German), not Aaron Landau, after all?
An interesting side note: there is something in physics called a “Schwarzschild black hole” (Schwarz’s Child). The name is just absurd and seems to relate to my situation.
I theorize that my mother never changing her name back to her maiden name after marrying a Schwarz (including giving it to me as my forced last name) is a representation of “once you go black, you never go back”.
(Schwarz means black in German).
list of all entries from all pages, ordered by date.