Animals Change Into Human Form And Vice Versa Depending On Which Frequency I'm Residing At.
I ponder that the “higher in frequency” I am (the more mentally active I am) the less grounded to Earth I become. The less physical I am, the less I pay attention to my physical body, the less that gravity occurs. The less gravity, the more like a bird I become. Free and ready to fly away.
I theorize the crazy idea that when this occurs, which it has at various times over the last 5-7 years, actual birds are able to suddenly take human form and appear in my reality, simply because we are now resonating on the same frequency.
If I eat too much or do various other physical activities to drop me back down to a lower level frequency, it doesn't bode well for the birds and they get pretty pissed off at me. Their goal is to remain in human form, not animal form. So, they need to try to keep me at the more mental, lighter, higher frequency.
I went through this kind of experience most prominently in Seattle in 2010, during one of my MZs. An MZ represents short time periods in my life when I seem to be in a mystery zone, not normal grounded reality. I seem to be in some other dimension and am hyper-aware. I am unable to eat much, my mind begins racing, and I am truly stuck up in my head.
During this MZ, the people around me seemed to represent birds in human form, as mentioned above. I just got the feeling some birds around me were resonating at that higher, more mentally active level…and able to appear as people to interact with.
Right in the middle of the whole thing, even though my body and insides were all fucked up feeling, which is one of the side effects of becoming too mental (the body trying to get me to pay attention to it, rather than drift off into outer space) I suddenly decided to fuck things up and go get some pizza with meat on it.
The second I walked out the door, these people/birds around me all seemed angry and I began to encounter disgruntled looks and just an overall vibe that I was doing something wrong.
After I picked up the pizza, I got in the elevator of my building and a woman with a dog suddenly got in with me. I don’t trust situations like that, even remotely, anymore.
This dog was looking up at me and sniffing the pizza. His name was “Louie”. I know this because the woman said it out loud, on purpose, so I would hear it. The dog was a Bull Terrier (orangey). This moment happened during the exact time period when comedian Louie CK had his popular “Louie” TV show. I was a big fan of the show, watched regularly, and gave Louie CK significant energy/laughs.
Bull Terrier
Ok, here is what I posit. When I went up to this higher frequency level, suddenly birds showed up in human form because they also resonated at that frequency. AND the lower frequency humans I USED TO resonate with were now cast back into their animal forms. Louie CK was now an actual dog…and they named him Louie, and said the name out loud on purpose, so I would know what was happening.
Louie CK resonates at a lower, more animalistic frequency, as I did for a period of time when I was heavily eating shit and more grounded to Earth.
It began to seem that all these beings keep fluctuating between their human and their animal forms and are all battling each other to keep me at their frequency.
So, if I suddenly decide to be a slob, drink alcohol, eat heavy foods, while I am residing at a HIGHER frequency, I will get resistance from the people around me who are also residing at that higher frequency. They don’t want to suddenly disappear when my actions result in me dropping down in frequency.
On the contrary, If I’m a slob for a while but then decide to stop drinking, stop eating shit, begin to focus on mental activities vs doing physical things, I then get resistance from the LOWER frequency, more animalistic beings around me at that time. It’s a constant battle between frequencies, between animal groups trying to exist in human form….based on my actions.
Louie Terrier
Based on this theory, it’s possible that a disastrous event that happened to me on May 1, 2005, was a result of this kind of happening. It was a time period in my life where I was eating much less and drinking less alcohol because I was doing coke on the weekends.
I was drugged by a couple we barely knew and It caused a major situation over a few day period. I now believe it’s possible that my girlfriend at the time, Mika, set me up, whether it was consciously or metaphysically.
Mika is a dog in Chinese Zodiac (lower frequency, carnivore) and she always preferred when I/we were eating. I suddenly wanted to party or do mental things and she would be pushing to eat instead. We had been together for over 5 years and I was usually residing in a lower frequency state.
Doing coke caused me to go VERY high in frequency, to be very positive, my mind to race, and my mouth to not shut up. I would lose all libido and I wouldn't feel the need to eat for days, which just escalates the ascent to higher frequency (no food to ground me).
I theorize that this newfound party activity, had it continued, would have turned Mika from her human form back into a dog again. So, she needed to get me to stop doing coke to protect herself, and that somehow she set the whole thing up. Once again, I don’t know if this is all metaphysical stipulation or an mundane event, but if this is remotely true, it just solidifies that this existence is FUCKED UP.