12/6/2016: super jungleman (:38)

position/time not documented: “No no..nooo. He had a vine. Wood (weed?)…the jungle." "That’s Superman for ya. I meant that’s Super….Jungleman.”

thoughts: Seemingly two different people speaking through me. I guess I'm superman...or super jungleman (guy was probably thinking of “Tarzan”). I often seem to be judged by the TV intelligence that I research as residing on the lower frequency scale of colors (red, orange, yellow). They seem to consider people with this resonance to be animalistic. I mean, the jungle could be the concrete jungle. I do live in NYC or L.A virtually most of the time. Or they may not even be referring to me.


RS = right side
LS = left side
B = on back, head straight
BL = on back, head tilted left
BR = on back, head tilted right
h, m = hour and minute.

(So, 1h37m means the event happened at 1 hour and 37 minutes after I laid down.)