10/14/2017: no funky waves (:31)

RS, 1h51: “No…no no no no no. No, no no. None of that nonsense. Fuck that bullshit. Not. No funky waves and shapes and feelings, just straight forward."

thoughts: Interesting. It's almost as if this guy is on some trip or some kind of virtual reality experience and is somehow thrust into my dreamscape and he's not enjoying what he is experiencing, which is more elaborate (deep), not as straightforward as he'd prefer.


RS = right side
LS = left side
B = on back, head straight
BL = on back, head tilted left
BR = on back, head tilted right
h, m = hour and minute.

(So, 1h37m means the event happened at 1 hour and 37 minutes after I laid down.)