10/10/2016: just an angle (:34)
sleep position and time unknown: “Hey. Hey, man, I’m telling you man..this is uh….whatever this view is that I’m staring at right now, it’s beautiful. This is why this..this..view is beautiful. It’s beautiful by itself. I’m not looking at any faces. It’s just an angle (ankle?)."
thoughts: Not sure who this person is, but I happen to agree that having people as part of the view is unnecessary. I prefer having not a single person around when I am forced to interact outside. But I really have no clue what he's actually looking at and I'm sure it has nothing to do with what I just wrote.
RS = right side
LS = left side
B = on back, head straight
BL = on back, head tilted left
BR = on back, head tilted right
h, m = hour and minute.
(So, 1h37m means the event happened at 1 hour and 37 minutes after I laid down.)