3/12/2018: make him a fucking painting (:28)
BL, 53m: “Mmm…ooh. Make him a fucking (?). Make him a fucking painting right now. Make him a fucking painting on the spot. You never ever fucking made it for her. Talks something uses obvious (?)."
thoughts: This is clearly two people talking to each other, through me. I am unable to decipher the last line, but my thoughts are that somehow these beings who are coming through me suddenly have access to my life/reality. "Make him a fucking painting (you never made it for her)" seems like they are trying to create something based on what they are seeing, in order to give to some female as proof of something. No idea, really, but it's freaky as hell.
RS = right side
LS = left side
B = on back, head straight
BL = on back, head tilted left
BR = on back, head tilted right
h, m = hour and minute.
(So, 1h37m means the event happened at 1 hour and 37 minutes after I laid down.)