2/20/2018: this place is fucking great (:38)
- love you guys (:17)
BR 37m + 41m: “YEAH! Yes, yes yes yes yes, you’re gonna love it. You’re gonna fucking love it! This place is fucking great. Fucking great.”
(then just a few minutes later) “UGHHH (upset). Love you guys, love you!"
thoughts: Once again, clearly not me. It seems like this person is trying to tell others that either my actual reality OR my dreamscape is fucking great. Then just minutes later it seems like he's about to lose contact with them and tells them he loves them.
RS = right side
LS = left side
B = on back, head straight
BL = on back, head tilted left
BR = on back, head tilted right
h, m = hour and minute.
(So, 1h37m means the event happened at 1 hour and 37 minutes after I laid down.)