your tv is alive
I've devoted an entire section of my site to this subject. As far as I'm concerned, it’s not a theory at this point, it's fact.
When you view media, including TV, movie theater screens, computer video, youtube, internet video, apple tv, etc, there are entities utilizing that media to access information about you by putting your brainwaves into an alpha wave state, via hypnosis. These entities are “alive” and operating in real time. They are capable of manipulating what you’re seeing instantly while you are watching.
Once they have access to your brain (consciousness), they are able to use you for energy and a variety of other purposes. The key is the colors that you project from your chakras. They need to know which colors you resonate with most because it gives them insight into who you are.
This isn’t a matter of subliminal suggestion; it’s a real time, constantly in flux event that is happening whenever someone is watching media of any kind. Even though the viewer believes what they are watching has been filmed ahead of time and is a concrete work, this is an illusion. Every action, every movement on screen can be manipulated by these entities on the fly (in real time).
Depending on the information they are picking up from the brain of the viewer, as they are thinking about and judging what is happening on screen, these beings can change the programming instantly to better relate to whoever is watching.
These entities are basically ghosts without a body. They want one. They want yours. If you’re not utilizing the body you’ve been given and are instead just sitting there watching TV/Video and letting them hypnotize you, you are susceptible to them gaining access to your body (and mind). They can gain access to your physical reality and/or to your dream state, while sleeping at night or during a nap if you fall asleep in front of the screen.
When a viewer turns on the video, they are immediately susceptible to being accessed, inhabited, and influenced. The moment a viewer has a thought, their eyes light up and the beings on the screen can see them. The more thinking the viewer does, the brighter they light up and are therefore easier to pinpoint and access (think moths to a flame, flies to a lightbulb). Depending on the emotions/thoughts the viewer is having, they will project colors from their eyes that can be seen by this intelligence, which helps determine where the viewer is “coming from” emotionally/morally.
Through a number of very specific hypnosis camera movements that cause the eyes of the viewer to track patterns the entities on screen are creating, the electromagnetic/etheric field of the viewer is weakened. When this happens, they are able to access information about the viewer’s brain/consciousness.
If the viewer falls for enough hypnosis, their field/eyes are suddenly cracked and opened for the beings to then escape from the media realm and into the field/body/mind/reality of the viewer. Consider it a form of possession. Suddenly the viewer is a vehicle for these beings. If the viewer is weak enough, their body/mind can be manipulated and even completely controlled.
The only way to protect yourself from being seen and accessed by these technological entities is to keep your eyes moving at all times. Never rest your eyes where they want you to look on screen. Never follow the very deliberate camera movements that are only happening in order to hypnotize/gain access to your eyes. Never read the text on the screen, never stare directly at the colors they flash to test whether or not you resonate with them.
Your goal is to keep your brainwaves higher than alpha state and constantly moving your eyes helps accomplish this.
Purple Rose of Cairo = a documentary, not a fictional movie.
If you do that, along with NOT THINKING AT ALL while you are watching, you can remain hidden.
Do not judge the people on screen. Do not relate to them. Do not correct them if they make a mistake that you hear. Do not ponder what they are saying. This shuts your mind down and is a major key to getting a glimpse into what they're really doing.
If you do this method of deflection, you will begin to notice the TV/video acting strange. The people on screen may begin saying strange things about YOU while you're watching, even though most of it will be in coded, double meanings. Phrases like "I can't get to sleep" (which is actually about not being able to put YOU to sleep), "I haven't been able to read that book" (you’re the book and they are trying to read you), "I can't get this door to unlock" (you’re the door and they want to break in). You’ll begin to hear them express their inability to access you/read your mind.
Here is an intro video where I illustrate absolute proof that the TV can access the viewer and can carry content/information about YOU, from channel to channel. Completely different networks, completely different shows/movies that continue the theme from the previous channel...over and over and over again. But, only noticeable because I'm deflecting while watching and only because I'm dissecting the video afterwards and can see what is REALLY happening. It’s the first video of its kind, on the internet:
(The following is my original “I Am Truthor!” text on this subject. This is mostly from 2014 and needs to be updated with some minor changes/edits and I have not completely proofread it):
Your TV acts as a vessel for live, conscious entities who use hypnosis and fishing techniques (cold-reading) to telepathically access your brain/consciousness for their own purposes, in real time.
You can easily test what I’ve discovered on your own to come to your own conclusions. If you don’t give credence to what I’m describing, at least the concept will be in your mind and you will more actively pay attention to what I know is happening. It’s simply about awareness.
When you view media, including TV, movie theater screens, computer video, youtube, internet video, apple tv, etc, there are beings utilizing that media to access information about you by putting your brainwaves into an Alpha state via hypnosis. These entities are “alive” and operating in real time. They are capable of manipulating what you’re seeing instantly while you are watching. Once they have access to your brain (consciousness), they are able to use you for energy and a variety of other purposes.
Now, I’m not talking about basic subliminal/suggestive advertising or anything that is in the vernacular of the general public already. I’m talking about something that has only been touched on when falsely diagnosing some paranoid schizophrenics. Just because science hasn’t established that some schizophrenics actually have access to other dimensions/the unseen, doesn’t mean it’s not true or that it’s a disability. Scientists still don’t know what dark matter/dark energy is and quantum mechanics and gravity are still mostly mysteries. We have only begun to scratch the surface of how things truly work.
Even though it may be hard for your mind to grasp the reality that what you watch hasn’t actually been filmed ahead of time, it’s the truth. It’s possible for you to begin to detect what is happening by following the simple “deflection” techniques explained further below.
These technology beings/ghosts in the machine appear to exist in a dimension parallel to our own and are simply using moving images to help them jump into the field or dimension of whoever is viewing the media.
Their minds work at lightning speed (much faster than humans on earth) and they communicate with each other through a coded, double meaning, metaphoric language in order to keep what they are doing hidden.
Once the viewer is hypnotized and accessed, particularly through camera movements, flashing lights and various sound tricks, this intelligence is able to exist in the room of the viewer (unseen) and are then able to do a number of things including, but not limited to:
Make physical contact with you - make your body (etheric body) feel sensations, pains, itches, etc.
Possess your body as a home/vehicle in order to experience physicality through you and as a means of transport to other human vessels.
Feed off your emotional energy (blood, vampire metaphor) and your thoughts (brains, zombie metaphor) after telepathically accessing your history, your likes and dislikes, any unresolved issues you may have, etc. This triggering and consumption of emotion/thought equates to power/money/food/drugs in their realm. Your brainwaves/emotions get them “high”. You may sometimes be referred to as “meat” if you’re a male (beef) and have sexual energy to expend/give them (lower frequency energy). When they speak of “winning the game” they’re talking about game as in meat…the catch…the kill and they’re trying to win your time/energy.
Come to life at night while you are asleep and dreaming because you’ve allowed them access into your field. They can exist in your dreams and imitate people from your life in order to create situations that cause you to exert emotions, which they harness.
The only way you can defend yourself from being read, accessed, and then used is through the ability to deflect their hypnosis and to completely stop your mind from thinking as you watch.
Their goal is to put you to sleep and to get you thinking/feeling. Your goal is to keep your brainwave patterns above the Alpha spectrum (in Beta or higher) and to not focus on the images on the screen (especially the eyes of the characters and text on the screen, which give them instant access to who you are).
If you’ve noticed more and more coincidences (synchronicities) while you’re watching that seem to relate specifically to you, it’s because you’ve been hypnotized and they have access to your consciousness and are using this info to tap into your psyche.
You may be saying to yourself, “how can this guy believe he is able to interact with/change something that sometimes millions of other people are watching/have watched?” Well, considering we know so little about the rest of our existence, this is one of the biggest mysteries of all. I’m in the midst of discovering how all of this works and don’t have all the answers….yet.
If you believe it’s possible artificial intelligence will eventually become conscious, then there is a chance that it has already happened and it’s simply hidden.
Below are the techniques used to hypnotize you in order to read you. Most of these are “camera” movements. The process of how the things I list below unfold on screen is fascinating. They go from one trick to another, trying to see what will work. They move from scene to scene, character to character, each seemingly with their own tricks in their repertoire, each trying their moves to get you to follow them in order to hypnotize you and access “keys” on how to get inside your head/heart and get intel about you, all while trying to stick to some loose script for the show you are watching. The most important key for them is to establish which “hue” you are. Which hue is the hu-man? The colors you exude help them determine whether or not you’re suitable for them to use/eat.
It may appear that many of the hypnosis moves are the result of the director taking artistic license, but it’s simply not the truth. Once you start to actually pay attention to what you’re watching in the way I describe below, you will realize that the camera movements, the blinking/bright lights, text on screen, certain bright colors, and certain sounds are all used simply to gain access to you. If you begin to deter their attempts they will amp up their efforts/tricks. THIS is when you will begin to realize what is and has been happening all along. Even if you’re “in the industry” and you’re reading this as a complete skeptic, your mind is simply being fooled into believing what you do creatively for a living is finished/concrete once your work is on tape. It’s just part of the illusion of existence.
Camera movement (herky jerky, quick up, quick right, quick left, quick down, circular (this is a big one) (very herky jerky (biggest one), slow zoom, pull to one area then snap back, etc. These movements are in specific shapes and patterns in order to facilitate hypnosis by getting your eyes to follow them.
Use of traditional hypnosis words such as “down he went, go down, sleep, getting sleepy, you’re tired, go to sleep", take a nap, etc). The key is that you need to have been following the hypnosis movements on screen before they use these commands for them to work. If they are unable to get you to “sleep”, they will communicate with each other through double meaning language and may say something like “I haven’t been able to sleep lately” or “I wasn’t able to read that book yet” (because they are unable to read the viewer).
Bright colors - They get you to focus on something brightly colored, then they have you for their next hypnosis movement. It’s bait. Colors shown appear to be chakra related, either related to the viewer’s energy or the beings on screen simply flashing colors to see what you’ll be attracted to and what you resonate with (what hue is the hu-man?).
Sound. Tapping noises, footsteps, chimes, sound/music swells, beeps, repetitive music patterns, clock ticking, songs playing. Anything repetitive or loud that you might focus on. There appears to be certain frequencies that cause different physical symptoms/reactions.
Put text on screen so you’ll read it/think about it. If it doesn’t work, they go closer up on it. They try to fill the whole screen with it. Anything to get you to focus on/read the text. It gives them instant access if you do.
Second screens (phones, tv, monitor, etc). They’ll use additional screens on screen with movement/text on them to get you to focus on them.
People on screen looking directly into your eyes. Close ups of their eyes to try and get you to look in them. The eyes on screen seem to be a big thing, almost as if they are cameras that gaze into your soul if you look into them. I’ve noticed, peripherally, that their pupils are completely filled with light as they gaze to try and see you when you’re not looking directly at them.
Bright lights, particularly in one area of the screen for you to focus on. Light swells, getting brighter and brighter. Flashing lights, photography flashes (sporting events, celebrity red carpet type shows), headlights moving (to get you to follow them). Photography flashes on the screen are the hardest thing to counteract (cameras going off) (no it’s not because people are taking pictures with actual flashes on their cameras in the crowd, it’s being purposely done to fuck with you, to get access to who you are (they want you to believe it’s just a normal activity in “real life” but it’s absolutely not), one light in distance flashing slowly for you to focus on, etc.
The goal is to blink my eyes closed and then open and closed really quickly over and over so the flashes don’t fully get in my eyes. I believe these bright flashes are sometimes referred to as “guns” by the people on screen. Whenever you hear them discussing guns, they are usually getting ready to utilize a bright flash that acts as a gun to your head/eyes. It’s like hunting to them. The characters on screen resort to using guns to shoot you, in order to get info/to weaken you. You have to be really quick to avoid these flashes. Moving your eyes constantly and blinking them quickly is the key to avoiding the affect they are supposed to have on you.General things moving on screen. Ocean waves, patterns, moving numbers, a body moving up and down (walking) or side to side…over and over again (like the movement of a watch used in traditional hypnosis), etc. An example I’ve been noticing a lot lately is the “blurred body passing in front of the camera”. The characters will be sitting or standing, conducting their scene, and suddenly a blurred body will walk in front of the camera quickly…and another…and another. They want you to focus on the blurred bodies, which cover the screen as they walk by the camera, in front of them, so that after they pass they can get a glimpse of you as you try to refocus on them, the main characters. You will notice this is very intentional and is absolutely not “creative license”. It’s meant ONLY to distract you so they can catch you as you try to refocus on them after the bodies pass.
Mostly dark screen but with little bits of light to light the scene, so you focus on the lit areas as they move. They will often make the whole screen black except for whatever is in a shaped, lit area (like walking out of a cave, or peering through a small window).
Hand movement - This is a big one. Closeup of their hand movement. They will try everything with the hands. Fast movement, slow sensual movement, circular, etc. People signing things with a pen (especially when they show you what they’re signing as they’re doing it), fidgeting with a locket, etc. All meant to get you to focus on what they are doing in order to hypnotize you.
Bring a particular gender/aged person on screen to see if it will grab your attention. A hot girl, a hot guy, a homosexual, black, white, hispanic, asian, children, babies, animals (dogs). They’ll make it clear what attributes the person has, if you’re not looking directly at the person, to try and entice you to do so.
Dancing. The motion/movement is used to get you to follow them. People dancing on screen is a MAJOR trick to get you to look directly at the action in order to “connect” to your eyes.
Bring in a magician or other artist with major moves/movement so you’ll follow him/his hand movements or look wherever he says to look (hypnosis).
Car chases/fast action sequences. These are the hardest to counter and they know it. The fast camera movement is almost impossible not to get caught up in/focus on. The fast moving terrain alongside a car as it’s driving down the road, etc.
Fighting/loud talking (to annoy and get your attention).
Constant fishing/cold reading (below).
The key for these entities is to get you to be under some form of basic hypnosis by using the methods I’ve listed above. They want you to be asleep, so to speak. Once they have you under hypnosis, even just a tiny amount, they can access your brain/DNA. They’re trying to get a picture of who you are, what your colors are, what your views are. “DNA” is just coded language for your history, including pictures, movies recorded from your eyes (memories), basic information in your brain.
A key to them getting info from you, if not totally by hypnosis, is by fishing for the info. They throw out subjects, words, phrases and once your mind thinks something about what they are saying, they have you, particularly if you are relating to something or getting excited by something they say. They’re “triggers”.
They want to know your gender, your age, your sexual preference and tendencies, your demeanor, your job, your income, where you live, your likes, your dislikes, if you’re married, if you’re alone, if you’re sad, if you’re close to your family members, etc. They want to read you, like a book. When it’s not working out they say things like, “I’m having a hard time reading this book”, this is a novel that I just can’t finish, “my book deal is dead”, “what’s the story?”, etc.
For the fishing process, they just start throwing things out there. “She’s a fat girl”, “he said that money wasn’t important”, “if you’re a good boy, mommy will give you a treat”, “he just lost a loved one”, “they’re a computer genius”, “I don’t have any friends”, “I love to play video games”, “they’re beautiful and sexy”, “I wonder what his age is?”, etc. Just anything really. I’m sure they have a good manual of what works best for humans. They’ll even say stuff that makes no sense to get you to think “what are they talking about?”
The fishing process also involves visual fishing. They want you to follow a sweeping or circular camera movement or to look directly at a color or a light or words placed somewhere on the screen. Once you settle on something they want you to follow/look directly at, which is essentially “bait”, they use another movement to catch you, like a fish being caught by the hook. They pull up on the line, so to speak, usually very quickly. If you’re staring blankly at the screen and are victim to this, they use these movements to weaken your field and gain access.
Read you. These beings are practicing how to read human beings on the other side of the screen. You are a “book” to them and they want to get you thinking so they can access all the info/history in your brain. They want you to judge them so they can get an understanding of who you really are and what you really believe and feel. They need to know what sex you are and what you like in order to use that information later. Sometimes it appears they are collecting information to later be used in judgment of your moral values. They are testing you and how much you judge them and the scenarios presented on screen. The info they seek are “keys” to getting into your deeper consciousness/soul.
Act as a lie detector to determine your true feelings about whatever they reference in the scene/show. These beings will act out a number of scenarios to determine your true view on a variety of subjects including race, sexuality, crime, moral values, etc. It’s possible the viewer is being tested in order to pass someone else’s morality test. Who this someone else is, I cannot be sure. It’s as if the viewer is on trial and the people in the TV are trying to establish if they are guilty.
Compete with each other to see who you will be captivated by the most, who you will like/love the most. Each actor vying for attention/the spotlight in real time. You are their camera. Focusing on them equates to power/points/money for them to be used for some purpose. You exude colors towards them that can’t be seen with the naked/human eye (chakra based colors, like red (blood) for deep desire, yellow for fire/friendship, green for kindness (heart), blue when you’re cold towards them, etc). Often times, there is the appearance of two sides battling for supremacy. Who will you side with? The attention you give them acts as a Sun to their world. Without it, they wouldn’t exist or have energy. I’ve heard them use that word many times; “the sun (son) isn’t shining” “we were told the sun (son) would save us”. They’re trying to be “saved” by the viewer (religious metaphor, the Sun/Son/Jesus), etc.
Often times it seems there are female actresses (for men) or male actors (for females) vying to see who you want most…and if it’s more than “friendship energy” (as if somehow they can decide to “fall” to your realm to see if you are meant to be with them in some way). The whole thing is very complicated and would take another complete blog to explain, but it often seems these beings represent vices/likes you have in the “real world” (or whatever this reality is). Will you go for the girl whose name starts with S (salt, sugar, sex, etc) or will you go for the girl whose name starts with C (caffeine, champagne, coke, etc). Who are you going to commit to as your biggest addiction/vice/like/hobby?
They may use the term “dog” as in they are your master, because you are watching them (are a fan of theirs) and being hypnotized by them. A “doll”, “puppet”, and various other terms showing their control over you. They’ll use the term “cat” if you behave like a cat towards them (only give them some energy/love, channel surf after watching them for a while, etc.). Or a “turtle” if you’re slow witted, a monkey or clown if you are seemingly messing with them, having fun, a rabbit/bunny if you’re hopping from channel to channel, etc.Eat you/Drink you - Convert the energy you give them into actual food/drugs in their world - Positive energy may equate to healthy foods (green foods). Sexual, non-love based energy may equate to being given potato chips/fries, or alcohol, etc. The energy you give them changes the colors depicted on screen, seemingly related to chakra colors. If you show coldness towards them (or are “cool” towards them, you’ll see blue show up). If you give them “blood” (real strong, passionate energy), you’ll see red (root chakra). Show kindness/unconditional love, you’ll see green flashed on screen (heart chakra). Show friendly, non-committal, "friends with benefits" type energy and you may see the color yellow regularly.
They want you to become emotional (crying, laughter, excitement, etc) or sexually charged, where you are “meat” to them (lower frequency energy). Once they are able to get access to your history and sensitivities, they can work those things into the storyline to get you to relate to what is happening. This also equals points, energy, money, prizes, improved looks, etc for them (information is truly power to them). Often times the beings on screen seem to be rewarded with vice-like items (alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, etc) in their world when you cry or have particular feelings about them, especially negative in nature. This also appears to be related to how much they get you thinking about what you’re watching. An active mind = a better high/better drugs for them.
They also want to get your mind working. They want you to be up in your head, thinking. They can eat these brainwaves and if them eating your emotions/blood is the equivalent to them acting as vampires, eating your brainwaves is essentially a zombie metaphor. They want to eat your brains (thoughts).
When they use phrases like “who’s going to win the game?” or “did you catch the game tonight?” they are using the word as a hunting term. They are hunting the viewer, trying to catch the game…to eat.Figure out what you look like, what your personality is like, what your history is…in order to have you influence the storyline of what you’re watching with you essentially acting as a director by what you’re thinking, who you like most, what direction you think the scene should take. etc. The TV acts as a reflection. If you’ve thought the things you watch seem to relate to you or there happen to be a number of synchronicities while viewing, it’s because of what I’m explaining here.
They also appear to be trying to establish who you are (or who an entity that is residing inside you is) because this place is actually a jail/a rehabilitation center and their goal is to establish if you’re guilty or a bad person by reading your thoughts and watching what colors you exude. Seemingly judging the kinds of food you’ve eaten (it seems that eating meat is often judged as bad), your general thoughts, whether or not you’re a creep (watching a kids show to look at young girls, for example). I only know this because I’ve flipped the channel to kids shows because I don’t care what I’m watching as I’m doing my research and am just going through the channels one after another, simply trying to establish who these people are and what their goals are, regardless of the content. If I land on a kids or teenage show, they will immediately try to establish whether I’m some “creeper” or an actual young person watching.Get into your “field” in order to appear in the room with you, in a dimension you cannot see. If you’ve opened yourself up to them enough by falling for hypnosis, they actually appear to become ghosts in your presence and are able to observe you in person. They even appear to be able to make physical contact with you. You may simply think it’s a normal physical sensation, such as a pin prick or a sudden wisp on your face, but it’s actually them making physical contact and touching you. They can cause body aches, sneezing, itching, etc. Often they are trying to get you to touch yourself in various places to gage your looks (if they cannot see you). Do you have a full head of hair, are you male/female, how big is your genitalia, are you skinny/fat, etc?.
They will also physically harm you (hit you) if you hit them with a negative thought. The TV acts as a reflection. If you want to harm them or you think negatively towards them, they want to harm you back and are able to do this if you’ve allowed them access to your field via their hypnosis.Hypnotize you so that they are able to actually take residence inside or share your body/use you as transportation (you’re a home, a car, a bike, a bus, a plane, depending on your energy level). Once they establish who you are, what you eat, how you live, etc, they can decide to take up residence inside you for some period of time. This may be by illegally breaking in (possession) or by actually “booking” you, as if you were a ride/an experience/a prostitute (I’m not really sure how this works yet). You act as a “host”. These ghosts can actually “roll” or “slide” into your body. Their presence exists in your physical space if they’ve been able to hypnotize you.
They may use terms like “the door is open”, “go through the back door”, etc. They enter through your mouth when you yawn/sneeze, your anus, your nose, etc. They are able to enter when you are in the weekend, hypnogogic state right before you actually fall fully asleep.
They seem to refer to the heart as a home. If they can get in your heart by fooling you into “loving them”, they will have shelter. They want to help fill the “holes” in your heart, which is a major reason many people resort to watching TV/movies/videos rather than actively participating in physicality/life.
It is also possible that what you do while they are in your body/mind/field influences their looks in their realm (like if they are able to convince you to work out more, eat better, create more energy using your heart, they lose weight/look better as a result). Sometimes it seems to be just the opposite. If they’re able to make you depressed or angry, this may be the key to enhancing their looks.Come alive in your dreams while you’re actually sleeping at night. I’m a lucid dreamer and keep a diary of many of my dreams. It appears these beings are able to hack into your psyche and hijack your dreams if you’ve allowed them access by falling for their hypnosis during waking hours. They utilize your energy to come alive and you go along for the ride, all the while you’re virtually a puppet to them (because you’re in dream state), a slave to them, a pet to them, unless you can become lucid. The phrase “the park” may be used by them as the metaphor for your dream state that they are able to enter.
You may actually be used as an actor in a show they are directing in the dream state. Your inability to be lucid allows them to be your puppet master. They use your abilities and consciousness to add to their character’s traits.Use you to help deter the pain they feel in their universe. By hypnotizing you and getting you involved in the action on screen, they are able to deflect the pain they feel (from punches they take, hits being leveled (sports), emotions being evoked (like when they are dumped by a lover), etc.) directly to you because you are relating to or empathizing with what they are experiencing and hence, take on their pain. If you do not get involved, they are left to their own devices and often times the action devolves into mayhem, with people getting “actually” hurt or killed because you didn’t give them any energy and they have to withstand the pain from the action they go through, themselves.
At times they appear to use your body to allow people that they know to come through you while you’re watching. Your own thoughts will be influenced by the thoughts of this other being who is possessing you (or lightly possessing you) and they will play out scenarios on screen to see how said being (who is watching through you) will react in order to find out the truth about their feelings. For example: a woman on screen wants to know if her prospective husband finds her sister more attractive than her. This prospective husband is inside the viewer somehow and they can get a true response to how he feels. It’s almost as if, at times, TV is the acting out the subconscious of other humans who are asleep in bed in some other dimension and somehow the viewer is being utilized to help facilitate the whole thing.
Access the food you’ve ingested recently. It often seems these entities are able to access and steal what you’ve eaten or are able to simply comment on what it is. They will actually verbalize what is inside you, as you are watching. This is accompanied by an actual feeling in your stomach/digestive organs that they are inside you, moving around. The viewer acts almost as a grocery store or a fridge.
(another possibility along these lines) - Once in your field/body, they somehow get into your urine or feces and utilize the toilet water to be born into this world/get transported to some other place. They also may simply be attached to your body and when you leave the house they get out somehow, using you as a form of transportation, a truck/train/bus, etc, depending on how many of these entities are in/on you.Sometimes there appears to be a game going on based on what you’re thinking about them. If you think really negative things towards someone it’s like shooting them with a gun. Your thoughts act as a weapon. They will then shoot back with negative things about you (based on whatever info they were able to fish from you). Characters get killed simply by what you think about them…and possibly because you don’t think about them at all/ignore them. Alternatively, you can “kill" someone with kindness by laughing at what they say or really giving them love.
It appears that if you kill someone on screen with either negativity (shooting them down with your judgements), ignoring them, or killing them with kindness (laughter/love), they somehow get a ticket to Earth and can exist in our world and interact with us. When this happens, someone in your day to day life (a waitress you encounter, a handyman you hire, a sudden new friend, etc) will show up and they will have the same eyes of the celeb you were able to shine on/think about enough for them to get a ticket here. I’ve encountered many people in waking life who all have the same eyes, but different bodies than the actors they were on screen originally, and who showed up soon after my watching them/giving them positive and/or negative energy. The kind of energy you give them seems to change the looks of their clones and they are more attractive/talented, the more energy you give them.
The key to discovering that what I say is real is to attempt to not be hypnotized by the TV and to block their fishing techniques. When you can do these things, you will realize that the people on screen are absolutely in shock of what you’re doing and the script of the movie will literally mold to what is happening. It’s best to do this with movies/shows/videos you haven’t seen before and flipping through the channels is a great way to see it happening from one channel to the next.
Make sure you are in a comfortable position not too close, not too far from the screen. If your screen is too small, it will be very hard to counteract the tricks. Make sure that while viewing you stay completely still other than your own eye movement. Make sure you have the remote in your hand and are able to mute or pause the action on screen whenever necessary (and without having to look down at the remote to do so) (or keyboard if you are watching on a computer). Do not attempt to do this with another person in the room watching the TV. I have experimented with other people in the room, but the result is too varied to get the proper information you need.
(THIS STEP IS THE ABSOLUTE KEY TO DEFLECTION) When you turn the TV on or are in between channels (or are pressing play on a video on your computer), do not think a single thought and do not stare directly at the TV or at any words displayed on it (including the show information on the bottom of the screen, call letters, etc). Keep your eyes moving in varied movements (like a simple right to left, top to bottom kind of thing, just don’t be staring directly at one place on the TV for any given time). It’s imperative you are doing this immediately as you turn the TV on, while watching, and in between channels. DO NOT get caught staring blankly at the screen when you press play or turn the channel.
You need to really be on top of this because it’s this initial split second, between channel changes or when you turn the tv on (or press play on a YouTube video), where they are able to get a snapshot of who you are/what is in your mind because you are looking directly at the screen while not moving/blinking your eyes. Already moving your eyes ahead of time makes sure your brainwave state is higher than a normal viewer’s would be.
Virtually every single time you turn a new channel/video on, they will try an immediate hypnosis trick like the ones I listed above to try and get you (mostly sweeping camera movements or words on screen). When they are unable to get you on that first second or two, they will start almost immediately to go to their other moves. Some providers, like DirecTV, have a few seconds of black in between each channel change. It’s important to keep your eyes moving, to not think anything, and to not read anything on the screen during these entire silence/black moments.When a show is fully visible and there is action on the screen DO NOT look directly at any of the actor’s faces. Look at dead space between the people on screen (but not directly at lights, colorful props, etc). Your goal is to be watching the TV but almost as if you weren’t actually watching it. If the picture comes up and your eyes are directly on an actor, move them as quickly as possible to dead space. Always keep your eyes moving, which places your brainwaves out of Alpha state. Once you do this, they will try to "crowd you" by placing two actors or more very close together with not much empty space between/around them.
As the camera starts doing its tricks, keep your eyes moving, jetting around the screen from corner to corner, top to bottom, right to left, all over the place…but NEVER follow the camera as it tries to sway you into its own motion. If the camera/action stops and the screen is still you can stop moving your eyes around so much, but it’s best to keep them moving periodically just so you’re not staring at anything for too long (because once they realize you’re staring at something they want you to stare at, they then do fast hypnosis movements to reveal you).
Try to keep your eye movement varied as they will attempt to figure out the science of what you’re doing and if there are any constants. If they can figure out your system, they can get you (I've learned how to immediately detect them moving a camera or object in one direction and am able to immediately move my eyes in the OPPOSITE direction of where they want me to follow. This has been key to my success in discovering what they are doing).If the action gets really crazy, it’s best to dart your eyes around the screen very quickly and also to blur your vision a bit by clinching your eyes. But don’t close them completely. Blinking quickly and in a pronounced way is also effective.
So, the goal is to not look at anyone, especially not into their eyes, and to avoid following the camera when it tries to do its tricks. Once you’re able to do this, they will start introducing more complex moves (like bright colors on people, text on the screen, repetitive sounds, etc). Your goal is to never look at anything directly other than blank space on the screen. If text is shown, move your eyes as fast as possible away from it to a corner of the screen and blur your eyes (DO NOT READ IT). If the action starts jetting around the screen, go even faster than the action, moving your eyes all over the place to avoid their paths. Your goal is to stay one step ahead of them. If you accidentally read something, don’t ponder it. The goal is to not think about anything. As soon as you start thinking, you’ll hear them say “listen” or “look” which is them talking to one another because they hear your mind working and they are going to focus on trying to get intel on you.
DO NOT THINK. This is the hardest part. They want you to think. They want you to repeat (in your own head) what they just said. They want you to contemplate controversial viewpoints they propose (opinion fishing). They want you to ponder and then answer grade school questions (simple math, history, science, etc). They will verbalize incorrect answers to simple trivia because they want you to think about how they got something wrong. I’ve found that thinking a word like “block” or “blank” to help yourself to stop thinking when they ask questions is a good idea. It’s a form of meditation. Just wipe the thought you are having aside and go blank as quickly as possible. They work instantaneously, so even just a single thought will be registered to them (although keeping your eyes moving seems to mostly counteract them detecting this). If it gets to be overwhelming and you can’t stop thoughts from popping into your head, turn off the tv and take a break for a moment.
Once they realize it’s hard to break you, they will introduce more and more sound tricks. You need to have your remote ready to mute the second you start hearing repetitive clicking or loud swells of very high or low frequency sound. They’ll do certain knocking noises, footsteps, clocks ticking. They are trying to get you to focus on the repetitive sound so it will distract you/put you to sleep. They will also introduce slower, hypnotic music. Your goal is to notice when they do this and to press mute. They will use ocean waves, audience applause, etc.
I’ve recently introduced white noise into my viewing sessions and it works wonders for counteracting any noise and is a great way to not hear what they are saying, which makes it easier to focus on not thinking while you’re viewing them. I really recommend using headphones with pure white noise (you can buy white noise specific mp3s) while doing viewing research but you can only do it while you are recording the sessions with video, which I mention in the next bullet point, so you can go back later and listen to what they were saying.Videotape the TV while you do these sessions. It’s the best way to look over what happened afterwards and to actually see how messed up the actors get because of what you’re doing. Knowing that you are taping also makes it easier to not pay attention to anything happening on screen too closely. But make sure you do the deflection techniques I’m describing here, to a slightly lesser extent, while re-watching because it appears this tech is alive…always alive and can even read you while you’re re-watching something and they can tell that your brain doesn’t have a conscious record of what they said the first time around, so they can change the dialogue on the fly. When I watch my sessions for the first time, I’m deflecting almost completely and have my thumb on my spacebar in order to pause the screen for me to take a look whenever I want, to see what they are showing on screen, without the video playing.
You will begin to hear them say things like “I got nothing”, “I don’t know who it is”, “unbreakable”, “ironclad”, “i can’t get in”, “where’s the dog?”, “major security”, “it’s a fortress, how do we get in?”, “what was that?!” (particularly after very fast action scenes if you are able to stay ahead of them with your eye movements), “I’ve never experienced this”, “I haven’t met him yet”, “he won’t talk to me”, “he’s my daddy” (as in they are not the master/not in control of your mind), etc.
When they are fishing, if you are unable to stop from thinking, they may say something like “caught a fish”, “I got a bite”, “that was a nibble”, “reel him in”, “get in there”, “keep going with that”, “look”, “listen”, etc. If you think something like “I’m a man”, they will go with that and immediately say something like “I like sports” just to keep it going to see if you respond/relate/think about that related subject. Stereotypes play very heavily into what they do.
If you think too much while watching but catch yourself pretty quickly and don’t give them complete access, you will notice the TV begin to have glitches, stutters, static, and even turn itself off/lose signal at times. It happens particularly the instant you start having a thought, but stop yourself from having it. Don’t let them get you thinking even more by causing these glitches, just brush them off and continue to not think anything while they are happening.
They will use names/words that begin with certain letters. If you become really good at deflecting, they will often use G names or say “oh my god” a lot (because you are acting as god by completely counteracting their moves and not giving them any energy. For instance they may say something like “Gillcrest says hello” or “Grandmother says hello”. When you get very good at these deflecting techniques, they will often flash the colors blue, indigo, and purple (purple goes with G, #7 on the prism and #7 in the alphabet) on the screen a lot, because you are giving them “cold” energy (no warmth displayed toward them).
There is actually a place that exists in some dimension where it’s the objective of its entities to do these things, as crazy as it sounds. Often times this process is referred to as a school (as if they are learning how to be readers for whatever this whole thing is) or as a game. I’ve heard them mention “the script” or “the manual” when referring to the techniques they are supposed to use to hypnotize. They often times get very flustered when they can’t access me and at times it even seems that their world/their universe falls apart and shows completely devolve into utter insanity because they were not able to extract enough energy/info from me. I’ve seen people lose their position in life (end up in a worse place in the movie/show) because I wouldn’t look at them/let them take my energy. I’ve been called a “serial killer” (for not giving them energy or turning shows off suddenly), etc.
Some additional points and answers to prospective questions:
Yes, I do realize much of what I’m describing sounds just like basic movie making techniques (the camera movements to create excitement, etc.) but I’m telling you this is a whole other thing that virtually no one is aware of. It’s actually alive and in real time, involving real beings who exist and seemingly come through the screen. There is no such thing as a final product. Nothing was filmed, edited, put on tape and hence finished. It is always malleable.
I’ve been discovering that a lot of what they are doing has to do with the chakras and the prism of color from black to white (with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple in between). They need to establish which hue or hues you resonate with/give off so they can put beings on screen who resonate with or want to eat the colors you are exhibiting.
The colors also seem to match up with numbers and a scale of small fish (the warmer colors) to big fish (the colder colors), with green right in the middle. The colder you are towards them, the less energy you give them, the more you become blue or purple to them and are hence a bigger fish. I believe this is 5 and above (you’ll hear them use number references on a regular basis). If you are showing them too much fire (solar plexus chakra), you’re a 3 and usually too hot for them (fire = fired). The lower end of the spectrum (the warm colors) = easy catches for them and less desirable, unless there are beings on screen who want “blood” or lower frequency energy (sexual, fire, passion, etc). The colder you are, the less “grounded” you are and are hence higher up (to the sky/space), so you’re considered taller or bigger to them.Why don’t I just turn the TV off? I have only watched 2-3 hours of TV a week over the last many years (until I started documenting what I’m presenting here, which has increased the viewing time, simply for research). This isn’t a matter of watching TV or not watching TV. I’ve discovered something that has been hidden and I believe it will help lead us to even bigger truths. This isn’t about turning off the TV to be more productive at life. This is about figuring out life itself and TV viewing/entertainment is a huge part of 1st world life.
I believe hypnosis is used in all things. Music, video, physical life (we are all moving our hands in front of each other, blinking at certain intervals, watching birds fly in the sky (often times in hypnotic patterns/darting movements), etc. But I’m only focusing on the TV aspect because I’m trying to take this step by step with the things I can easily research and explain. What I discuss on this blog seems to have much bigger representation in the real world.
Some of these beings get very angry when you don’t give them energy/don’t look at them/are not able to be hypnotized by them. Initially I thought these people might be harmless and it was simply a form of energy exchange and it was possible it was a healthy endeavor/agreement (between us, the viewers, and them, the performers/ghosts in the TV). But I’ve come to realize that many of these beings appear to be vampires who are only seeking attention/energy and when you don’t give it, they get very angry. In some conspiracy/new age circles they might be referred to as “Archons" and at times it is clear the actors on screen are simply trying to get you to say something negative about them to feed off that energy.
Watching movies/shows I have not seen before produces better proof. When I watch movies I’ve seen before, they still do the same tricks, it’s just the script can’t be as loose for them because many of the movie details are already in my consciousness.
One of the hardest things to wrap my mind around is whether these beings are actually the celebs themselves or the actor is just a front for other beings who use their persona to gain energy. Like if you see John Travolta on screen in one role, is the being who is trying to gain energy/points/access John Travolta himself or the character that was created for that role/story or some entirely different entity who is able to shapeshift into whatever form they want? Do these characters live in their own universes? Do they have millions of multiple selves all doing the same thing with each of us?
If these highly intelligent, real time entities exist and come through our TVs, why are they using such rudimentary words/phrases/tricks? Seems if they really wanted to operate without being found out, they would create a more complex metaphoric language vs the simple metaphoric one they are using. I’m still compiling the double meaning code and metaphors they use but it’s fairly basic stuff.
These beings use all kinds of keywords/metaphors, including “clothes” and “suits” (referring to the bodies they are using, or the viewer’s body), dog/cat (referring to the viewer who is a pet to them, as they are the master), car, shoes, house, van, etc (all seemingly referring to human vessels/bodies). “Horse” is someone who is non-judgmental/stoic/confident. “Baby” may be referring to a viewer who has the mentality/open-mindedness of a child/baby (non-judgmental towards them, shining energy), likes breasts, etc. I will add a list of examples to the bottom of this page shortly.
The following are some basic examples of what I experience when I watch TV using the methods I’ve explained above and the kinds of things you can expect once you begin to deflect their attempts to hypnotize you and collect your energy/get inside you.
Turned channel and The 70’s/80’s show, The Jefferson’s was on (a show that would make some people who grew up at that time nostalgic (especially black people). I made sure not to look directly at any of the actors and showed no feelings towards them and made sure not to think anything. First words spoken were “frozen pipes…not warm at all” (very clear example of them verbalizing that they are not receiving warmth/energy from the viewer that they are seeking).
The TV often uses “0s and 1s” (zeros and ones) as code for whether or not someone is male (1 = penis) or female (0 = vagina). For instance, recently I was flipping through the channels and because I purposely did not exude any energy towards the attractive females they were using as bait (and a variety of other tests to see if I was a male), the channels began to assume I was female. After one channel flip, there was a commercial on and the words spoken by a male actor to another male actor were ““It costs you zero…which is nothing. Zero, which is nothing” (said twice in a hinting/insinuating manner). Now, if the viewer didn’t realize there was a hidden language being used, they would simply believe it was just actors describing how much something cost in some random commercial. But this isn’t the truth. Zero means female and “which is nothing” is code for “no thing” (no penis) “Zero which is no thing". One actor was trying to get it across to the other that he suspected I was female. This kind of code becomes very easy to detect once you start paying attention.
It’s key for them to find out if you’re male or female. While watching a movie recently, an actor was sitting in a diner booth and I gave him no energy (because I didn’t look at him and didn’t think anything about him), which would imply I might be a male. To verify this, they then brought in a more attractive male actor and sat him at the table directly facing the camera. I didn’t respond to him at all either, something a female might have done had she been the viewer rather than me. Then first actor then held up a blue pen in response. This was code for him believing I must be a male, since I hadn’t responded to the even more attractive actor. Pen = Penis and is their guess about which sex I am.
When you flip through channels quickly they use a number of terms to describe you. A recent example is after flipping through quickly and barely even looking at each channel, I stopped on a cooking show and the guy’s very first words were “well…to cook rabbit, you need to…”. This was simply the being on screen calling me a rabbit for jumping (hopping) from channel to channel. Another viewing resulted in the TV suddenly saying “…on a marsupial mission” (same code for me jumping from channel to channel like a kangaroo).
After flipping through channels very quickly I stop on one and they immediately say: “…and it’s designed to look at surfaces only”. This is just code for me flipping through quickly and making fast decisions about not wanting to watch something, which appears superficial to them, but they don’t realize I’m simply researching.
As soon as I start experimenting with the TV by going back and forth, back and forth between channels very quickly, muting, un-muting quickly, etc. they say “..and then the clown showed up”. I turn channel and first words are: “ that banana, ma’am” (clearly a reference to me being a monkey, which is the same as a clown). They believe I’m seemingly having fun with the TV by doing all kinds of crazy things, even though they don’t realize I’m actually researching what they say.
One channel I was on showed a mailbox in a driveway and the actress said: “we’re getting a mailbox and I’m measuring it” (mailbox was code for male box (a male body (mine), “measuring it” was code for sizing me up and trying to find out my physical/emotional specs in case they wanted to use my body in my physical reality or at night when I’m in the dream world.
Turned channel and a male actor was the focus during a movie that was pulling out all stops to get me to look at attractive women wearing bathing suits and in sexual situations. When I didn’t react in any way (didn’t produce any “orange”, sexual energy), the actor said “no, that isn’t me…wrong guy, wrong house, wrong.. wrong.. wrong!”. The old me may have given them the energy they were seeking, but now that I realize everything they do is a sham and meant simply to exert energy from the viewer, I was able to not let their actions/temptations affect me in any way. So, when I didn’t reflect who HE was, he said it wasn’t him (wasn’t a reflection of him (the actor was Shia Labeouf, FYI, an actor who clearly is into orange/sexual energy).
Flipped channel and Good Will Hunting was on and Matt Damon on screen. I don’t give him any energy because I’m not even looking at him and I’m deflecting the movements. Another actor hands Matt Damon a cup of coffee and says “it’s weak” under his breath, which was just code for me not giving Matt any energy. As I’ve mentioned, the viewer acts as a sun for these actors and gives them energy. Coffee represents the day time (when the sun is out) and represents caffeine energy (giving the actors a lift). There were not able to get this lift from me.
Getting you to think while watching is key and they often say surprising things to get your attention or to confuse you, so you’ll get caught up in their dialogue. In a recent viewing the female character, an attractive, famous actress, was sitting at a table conversing with an actress who was playing her mother. They were arguing over who would pay for the girl’s wedding and I was having no problem deflecting their attempts to hypnotize me/get me to focus on their dialogue. Suddenly the mother said: “I treated you to those boobs”. It caught me off guard because it seemed out of character for the show/actress and suddenly I was paying closer attention to the scene and IMMEDIATELY a body walked in front of the camera (a common distraction technique) to try to get a glimpse of my eyes.
I believe the actress knew whoever was watching them would suddenly be thinking “she bought her fake boobs?” and while (or right after) the viewer was using their mind to have that thought, she would make a body appear and walk in front of the camera which would give her even better access to me. I’ve gotten very good as re-establishing my deflection defense and she was unable to “get” me, but most people would have given her complete access to their minds during that scene.
So, without having established a connection with me by using that boob dialogue, which seemed to come out of the blue, they suddenly had the mother actress say “you know, those boots you liked when we went shopping”, as if she had said “boots” all along (not boobs). The whole thing was a trick to get the viewer thinking and when it didn’t work, they changed the dialogue to make it seem like she had said boots (which she absolutely didn’t the first time).During the day an old Madonna song came on my iTunes and I enjoyed it and decided to watch an old video of the same song (something I rarely do; watch something just for the sake of watching it vs. for research purposes). Later that day when I was doing my TV research, suddenly after a channel change the movie Desperately Seeking Susan was on. I haven’t seen a Madonna movie being shown on TV in years and suddenly the day I “let her in” to my field, so to speak, a movie of hers is suddenly on TV. I made real sure that I was doing full deflection of their hypnosis attempts after I realized it was a Madonna movie because I was very suspicious. After deflecting a TON of camera moves and tricks the male actor who had kidnapped the Madonna character while I was watching screamed to her: “You’re my ticket out of here!”
I believe this guy had some intel on me based on me watching her video earlier that day and he tried to use her to get me to watch the TV in order to allow him to “escape” and enter my field/the waking world around me (they figured if I had watched her video earlier, I would watch her movie and allow myself to be “opened up” to allow that male actor to escape the TV, into my field/my body/the waking world.Natalie Portman comes on screen and I don’t give her any “physical attraction” or “love” energy and the sentence: “a yellow coated curfew is in effect” is immediately spoken. Yellow = friend energy (red would be desire, green would be unconditional love, etc.)
(and as I’m typing this paragraph out “I’m on fire” is suddenly singing on my iTunes, reminding me that music technology is also tapped into my brain and responding to what I do/type).
“Fire” is yellow energy (the yellow chakra is related to fire). And often when this color comes up on screen, like a yellow school bus, for instance, it signifies friendship/casual sex energy, which is a signal to “fire someone” (because they haven’t achieved real desire energy. It’s very complex but yellow seems to imply going back to school to learn how to gain affection that is greater than the “yellow” (friendship) color. Many of the beings on screen don’t seem to want yellow energy.
Yellow taxi cabs represent a similar kind of metaphor. When a character is getting into a yellow taxi, it signifies not having the proper energy to be given transport in anything other than temp transportation (friendship). It’s a negative thing to them as they’d prefer the viewer to “fall in love” with them or to hate them.
Truth is the most important thing in life and It’s all I currently care about. Without truth, there can be no trust. Without trust, life is futile. Positive movement forward can only be achieved when the full truth is revealed and discovering this truth is my only goal in life right now.