11/3/2017: purple day
It’s Friday, which is Crown Chakra day, the color purple/white. I’ve been led to believe, by the coded messages of the world around me, that I’m supposed to collect those colors or do activities related to that chakra today.
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
First thing this morning, I notice some people outside my hotel window, from very high up, standing in the parking lot directly in view (for many minutes). I was compelled to look at them with my binoculars. One of them has a VERY purple jacket on:
Of course, with my binoculars, the view was much closer and clearer. But that’s the best my iPhone camera can do (I have not adjusted the color in any way). Clearly that jacket was planted directly in my view for me to see on a Friday, purple day.
And you can see how terribly obvious all this stuff gets when just 3 hours later, this tweet came in with Trump staring directly at this guy's purple tie:
(3m means it came in 3 minutes ago, when I saw it and screenshot it because I knew it was on purpose.)
He's staring at the damn purple tie because it's purple fucking Friday. Trump is constantly staring or pointing to the colors I need to collect on the given Chakra days. Here are a few more examples:
Trump pointing to green on a Tuesday (heart chakra, green day):
Trump putting his hand in the yellow for me, and using a “3” (30) on a Monday (solar plexus chakra, yellow, 3 day):
And a giant green helicopter for me on another Tuesday (heart chakra, green day):
Here he is on a Saturday (Saturnday, Satanday, red day, root chakra day) pointing to red:
It happens all the time, but I don't screenshot every time because this process is TEDIOUS. If you think I enjoy spending time trying to collect this information, you're completely wrong. Occasionally I just do it to remind myself what's actually happening and that the world around me is some absurd chakra thing that I want no part of and couldn't care less about.