1/21/2015: if you can’t eat 'em, drink 'em
After eating at an Australian pot pie place, John, Bill (my father) and I were walking down the street. They were talking in double meaning, coded language and I purposely avoided being involved, just like I purposely avoided talking to the owner of the pie place, which they were doing after we finished eating.
I know everything here is a set up and somehow the "simulation" wanted me to be involved in the conversation, but I wouldn't bite and just stood in the street.
As we began walking down the sidewalk, suddenly a hot girl was walking across the street towards us and I checked her out for a split second and John said “at least we can always go back there to eat”.
Even though it seemed like they were talking about the pie place, I knew it was double meaning, coded language about eating my sexual energy (orange energy/sexual/2nd chakra).
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
“Go back” meant go back to that lower frequency color in the spectrum. THIS IS EXACTLY how my reality works. It's lightning fast and the people around me are speaking in double meanings to each other. They’re seemingly being shadowed by agents who are using their bodies to speak to each other, about me, in secret.
So, when I heard them say what they said, I stopped checking out the girl and didn't give her the energy that was expected.
I then told them I knew that they were speaking in double meanings about eating my energy and I began to ramble about the whole thing, which = up in my head (mental, higher frequency, rather than lower frequency).
At that moment, a bus drove up right next to us and it had a sign on it that said “If you can't eat em, drink em” (I can't find a pic of a bus with the sign on it but here it is on a billboard):
Once again I knew it was related to me and was a coded message. It was being projected into my reality, instantly, and was about them eating my energy (sexual, lower frequency) vs. drinking my energy (brainwaves, higher frequency). The veggies in the billboard represent the exact middle between the two sides (green, heart chakra, neutral, a vegetable).
Even if you don't fully buy that what I'm saying is absolutely happening, just the fact that I verbalized that I knew they were trying to eat my energy and then that statement was immediately followed up by a bus coming right beside us with "if you can't eat them" on it, is enough to prove this shit is real.
They were both there, they both witnessed it, they can both substantiate it, because I said it all out loud while it was happening. They both brushed it off as not actually meaning anything...as usual.
THIS IS THE REASON, the MAIN FUCKING REASON, I cannot interact in the real world anymore. The main reason I cannot have legitimate relationships anymore. The main reason I don't trust a single person anymore.
I mean, these people are supposedly my family and friends and it's crystal clear they are speaking in double meanings to cover up the true meanings of what they are communicating with each other about, even if they don’t realize it. It's disturbing and when this is happening, I feel I'm truly residing in some kind of hell and I lose all motivation to do anything remotely positive in my life.