8/18/2017: the wave
I get a tweet about something called “The Wave” and minutes later, I get a tweet with “The Wave” again (The Wave House):
I believe this is an indication that someone is waving goodbye to me or that my brainWAVES are particularly noticeable right now, to whoever is tracking/observing me. I theorize that our brainwaves are being monitored and those with certain patterns are being observed when it’s happening.
Fuck, I really have no idea, but I do know that it’s strange to have two tweets show up, almost in succession, that have “The Wave" in them.
(REMINDER: I only follow between 5-20 (usually around 10) twitter accounts at any given time, out of over 300 million active users. The statistical probability of these kinds of syncs happening randomly, and on a regular basis like they do, is infinitesimal. They are happening on purpose.)