(I've excluded entries like the following, because I failed to collect proof at the time, not realizing I would be creating this site at a later date.)

12/14/2016: squirrel and the mailman

I was looking at footage from an outside security camera to see if the mailman had put a key inside my mailbox in order to access the apartment complex’s multi-mailbox for me to retrieve an expected package that fits in there.

As I'm watching the footage, suddenly a squirrel comes running into the frame on the sidewalk next to the mailman. He ran up so fast, it startled the mailman.

It appeared from the footage, that right after that, the mailman DID put a key into one of the apartment slots that I thought may be mine. So, I go out to get the package. When I check my box, there is no key.

I know my package has arrived, because I got the USPS confirmation saying so. I need the key to open the other bigger compartment where my package is supposedly located.

I would come to find that he accidentally put my key in someone else’s slot and I wouldn’t get my package until 24 hours later, when I had to wait and watch for the mailman again to let him know.

Clearly the squirrel showed up as a troll to make it all happen. There is a scene in Hot Tub Time Machine where they time travel back to 1986 and lose a bet on a football game they knew the original score of. They were watching the play unfold and suddenly the camera showed a squirrel on the field and somehow it messed up the original play that they knew happened originally. Just like this fucking squirrel messed up the delivery of my package by causing the mailman to put my key in the wrong box.

I have no pics or video of this all happening, because I hadn't realized I would be creating a website like this later on. So, here's a picture a squirrel stealing someone else's mail: